Warung Bebas

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"A bit whoreish"

I was channelling my inner rock chick a smidge more than usual yesterday when I wore this to work...

Jacket, tee and leggings - all Topshop, shoes c/o Very.co.uk

The necklace was a gift from the fab Lou Makes and is only £7.50 online! I used to want a treble clef tattoo when i was about 15. It was the first tattoo idea I had that I was like 'oh my god, that would be SO. ME.' I never got round to it, but this lovely long pendant has certainly stirred up some nostalgia... I told myself I'd never get another tattoo as my first one was so bloody painful, so my necklace will have to fill the void for now! 

The red pout is courtesy of Eyeko's Liptastik pen in 'Lip Lover' (£6.50). It has a sort of fruity scent, and stayed put all day. It was moisturising without being wet enough to go all over my teeth, so it's a big thumbs up from me. Alex on the other hand... "It just looks, for lack of a better word... a bit whoreish." He said it so matter-of-factly! He was speaking of red lippy in general, not just me... Not sure how that justifies it, though. It makes it more of an open insult to all of us! BOYS. 

Remember if you use my ambassador code 'E11298' when checking out on Eyeko's site, I'll get 15% commission and if you spend over £15, you get a freebie! Finances are grotesque at the moment, so to anyone that has used my code lately - thank you from the bottom of my echoing purse! ♥

So, any fun weekend plans in store for you? I'm off to the Vintage Festival tomorrow... Or at least I hope I am. I'm looking up train times now and there seems to be some severe shiz going down which is making journeys to London from here far more complicated than usual. Fingers crossed I can find an easier way because I don't wanna waste my day off! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Temporary Secretary = Permanent Awesomeness

I was chuffed to bits last week when probably my favourite online jewellery shop, Temporary Secretary, offered to send me a few prezzies. Temporary Secretary have a crammed online store, full of the cutest, most covetably kitsch jewellery you could ever wish for. They also sell other bits and bobs too, like stationery and lip balms, all with a truly kawaii twist!

I won't bombard you with all the bits I was sent, but I will show you the two pieces I wore to work yesterday, minutes after I had snatched the package from the Postie's hand! 

A glimpse of the wrapping:

I was also sent a bunch of adorable letter paper too! I want to frame it all, it's insanely adorable!

So, the outfit:
(Dress - c/o Clothing at Tesco, Shoes - c/o Very.co.uk, Cardi - charity shop, Necklace - Temporary Secretary (Scroll down for a close-up!)

How amazing is this camera ring (£9)? I prob should've had it on the other way up for the photo! See all the camera rings here, they are too awesome for words, and oh so relevant to us bloggers!

 My shoesies (and a Sainsbury's bag including cookies, tortillas and lasagne, since you asked!)

A close up of the best necklace I've ever had: 'Millie The Persian' (£15). It is a brooch too, if you remove the chain, so you are getting two pieces of jewellery for the price. I plan to pin a ribbon bow to a collar using this cat brooch in the middle! 

I seriously recommend a visit to the beautifully designed website and blog (which includes sneak previews and lovely outfit photos of the lady behind the company!) 

The bottom line: From cute to quirky, there is something stylish for everyone - and the prices are very reasonable to boot! 

I look forward to sharing my other Temporary Secretary pieces with you soon! But it's not all about me and all da freebz, as I have arranged a little 10% discount for you guys using 'GEM10', valid until 11th August. 

Have you bought anything from Temporary Secretary before? If not, do you have your peepers on anything from the site? 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some pretty epic voucher codes!

Just read one of those emails from VoucherCodes.co.uk and was pleasantly surprised to see some rather fantastic offers in there I had to share! It's not like I can afford to shop at the moment, so let me know if you snap anything up and I can live vicariously through you guys. Sigh! 

The link to all of the codes is HERE, but here are a few of my faveys:

♥ 20% of Urban Outfitters using the code VC20UK

♥ 20% off Clothing at Tesco using XX-VC20OFF

♥ 20% off at Elemis using VC04JUL11 

♥ 15% off at Figleaves plus free delivery using FIGVC15

♥ 15% off at Look Fantastic plus free delivery using A1F5FL

♥ Free delivery at Debenhams using SH45 (Great for snapping up some H! by Henry Holland bits!)

(Some terms and conditions apply so check them out here - most state you can't use them on sale, and some only have a short period of time left.)

Hope this blog doesn't sound spammy but I thought these codes, especially the UO one, were worth sharing. Especially seeing as UO were one of the only shops not to offer a discount in that online shopping feature in the latest Look mag! Obviously VoucherCodes.co.uk knew how to twist their leg! 

Enjoy on my behalf, guys!! Hate you a bit...


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In with the new (old) shoes!

These are some of the weird and wonderful charity shop shoe finds I've acquired in the past month... All pretty fugly in their own little way. Thus, I love them. 

(Crazy little furry shoe-boots by a Spanish brand, Patricia! They're so Autumn/Winter! That didn't sound dickish at all...)

(Bit tight but j'adore these Kaleidoscope beauties!)

Must. Stop. Buying. Shoes. At least my habit involves charity shop shoes and not Louboutin's, though!

We're getting the wheels in motion for our move to a bigger house on 10th August, where we'll have quite a bit more storage so I'm looking forward being able to hide my shoe addiction a bit better... The piled-high shoe rack in the hall which is literally buckling under the weight is a tad embarrassing!

In other news, I'm working lots over the next few days, and then on Sunday I'm going to the Vintage Festival on the South Bank in London (thanks to Vitamin Water). Anyone else going along? Going to have to dig out my most vintagey (?) outfit to wear. And I will be snapping everyone else's outfits too for your perusal! It always makes me sooo nervous to ask for outfit photos, but it's worth it in the end.

Blog ya later ♥

PS - I'm a bit late to the party, but how funny is this Masterchef 'remix'?!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Button Revamp

This simple but effective idea is one of the tips I included in the big book o' tips I handed in for my final project at university. I'm still trying to work out what to do with the book, as I want you all to get to see it... Considering my options at the mo!

My boyfriend Alex has been using this tip quite a lot at the moment to jazz up vintage cardigans etc. I just love how adding or replacing buttons on an item of clothing can totally change it for the better. 

I have divided the double page spread into 2 separate pages below so it's bigger and easier to read:

Layout designed by Jade Cooper-Collins, illustrations by Emilie Lashmar!

Do you have any simple ideas you use to breathe new life into clothes? Spill the beans!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Spaced Out

I painted my (plastic) nails last night and decided to attempt my first ever space nails, inspired by the new Mac OSX Lion background! Apple geek in da houze. I use the term 'inspired by' very loosely as my spacey nails technique needs a bit of improvement! 

The other nails were coated in Models Own Disco Mix (GORGE), which I put over a base coat of Models Own Pro in Black Grape (freeb). Except my ring fingers, which had the gorgeous Models Own True Blue and leopard print using my black Models Own nail pen (freeb) and white one! 

Will do a spacey tutorial if I nail the technique (accidental pun there!) It essentially consists of using a washing up sponge to dab lots of different colours onto the nail. Youtube it! 

Am still loving the benefits of using fake nails. It's just SO much easier and more blunder-proof to paint in advance. I painted them last night and whacked them on in 3 minutes this morning before work. Instant epic nails, without messy edges/dents. See my Tuesday Tip on false nails here

In other news, I'm a bit achey from a freak bout of motivation I had earlier on which saw me jogging around the local field and then doing some weights with baked bean tins when I got in! Must keep it up. It would mean so much to me to no longer have arm chub that sways in the breeze. Don't get me wrong, I rather like my bod, but my snacky ways are definitely showing more than ever! 

Anyway, we're going to watch a film called Submarine now, so I'll bid thee farewell! 

Have you had a nice weekend? I do hope so! 

PS - I've joined Tumblr! Cringe. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cool shop alert: Sosolo!

I first heard of Sosolo the other day when they added me on Twitter. I checked out the website and loved what I saw... Lovely clothes, pretty styling and very reasonable prices!

Sosolo sell new, vintage and also emerging designers' work, which is always nice to see! As if this wasn't good enough, they are also giving you guys 10% off using 'GEMRC10' (valid until 31st July, not valid on sale or premium items). Now that's what I call a fab first impression! 

Here are some of my picks:

£38, £17

Shirts - £20, £25

£25, £28

Shirt £30, Trousers £30

Have you heard of or bought from Sosolo before? What did you think?

I can't afford to be internet shopping at the mo, so until I can, I shall amuse myself by typing Sosolo again and again, as it is one of those great words to type. Try it. Sosolososolososolo etc. Yes, this is my Saturday night's amusement.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sketchy style

I was chuffed to bits when a blog reader called JiHyun sent me this lovely drawing she did of one of my recent outfit posts. 
I wish I looked like this in real life. Illustrations look vastly cooler than us boring old humans!

Thank you, JiHyun, keep up the fab work on your Tumblr!! 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The most purrfect watch..!

I spotted this unbelievably amazing watch in a glass cabinet in a charity shop in Elgin, Scotland. It didn't have a battery so it was a tense wait to see whether it would work, but it does and I'm sooo glad!

Stuff I love about my new watch:

♥ There's a kitten on it, obvz. 
♥ The second-hand is a mouse!
♥ The cats on the strap look identical to my Roxy! 
♥ The strap is tan leather. 
♥ It's just quite nice to know the time, really. 
♥ The second-hand is a mouse!!!!

Errr, yes that was my first ever attempt the make a GIF which was one of the most laborious things I have ever done. I read that it was quite easy to turn a vid into a GIF but it was a steep learning curve! I also didn't realise how warped my idea of 'holding the camera steady' was..!

Off to watch Haz P (as the delightful daisybutter referred to him on Twitter the other day!) at the cinema today. Then picking up a mysterious red slip from the Post Office!

Have a fun Wednesday!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Scotland Video Diary Part 2 & 3! Glasgow to Cullen and home again...

Afternoon chums! 

Here are the second and third (final) parts of my video account of our trip to Scotland to see Alex's family. To recap, my camera exploded (whilst I tried to mend it with a toothpick, admittedly) right before our trip, and rather than not document it at all, I borrowed Alex's Flip-style camera to take some footage along the way. 

I'm so pleased the first instalment went down so well, I didn't think anyone would want to spend 17 mins watching my antics, so thanks if you did! As a reward, here's about 25 minutes more - ho ho! 

So what to expect from these two 12 minute instalments? 

Part 2 features: Reflection on my meeting with Ayden, bickering with Alex, our weird american 'joke accents' (does anyone else have these?), investigating a cave (kinda), ducks, dinner and vomit. 

Part 3 features: Dead pets, evening seaside strolls, a dog doing tricks, seals, sleeper trains, more bickering and my cat Roxy. 

Mmm, vomit and dead pets! I do spoil you! There are some giggles in there too, honest!

Part 2:

Part 3:

Hope you enjoy :)

I'm lining my tum with Nesquik milkshake now (top tip!) and am off out with my Topshop pals tonight. Excited! 


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Graduaaaation Day!

On Wednesday, I graduated from UCA Rochester with a degree in Fashion Promotion.

It was very windy, so in most of my photos I'm wrapping my gown round me to stop it and my dress blowing up! You can just about see my dress in the photos of me going to shake Zandra Rhodes' hand! She's the chancellor of UCA, apparently!

The gorgeous Rochester Cathedral:

Plus me:

Plus mum:

Minus mum, plus Alex:

 The dreamy interior... Hogwarts eat your heart out!

Going to shake Zizzle Rhizzle's mit:

Unfortunate expression, but you can see the dress a bit better here! 

Larking about afterwards with Alex and mum, both trying my hat on. Alex doesn't want to attend his graduation (it's all a "sack of shit") so we were taking some pretend graduation photos for him.

Mum has no excuse for modelling the hat besides being a general clown. My "anything for the lolz" attitude definitely comes from this lady!

Not to blow my own horn, but I was unexpectedly featured in the graduation brochure (and mentioned in the 'Student Successes' speech) due to winning that ASOS blogger comp! Uni are a bit behind the times, and seem to be unaware ASOS is old hat now I am a primetime TV scrounger megastar! Jooooke! 

I got a star next to my name because I scraped achieved a first! Haha! 

I haven't been able to reflect properly on the fact I've graduated just yet. I guess I should be feeling emotional or proud or something, but the truth is I'm just consumed with terror about how I'm supposed to support myself without that lovely student loan... 

Once I've found a source of stable income (apparently, my current job ain't it) to cover my £600 a month outgoings (rent/bills/doughnuts), I will be able to look back on my uni years and feel something. Until then, it's frantically refreshing Gorkana and eBaying my possessions all the way. 

PS - I think I have found my soulmate!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Scotland Video Diary Part 1 - Kent to Glasgow!

So you may remember I exploded my camera the other week, meaning I didn't have a camera for my trip to Scotland. Alex has a nifty little Flip-type camera, so I thought instead of having nothing to show for my trip, I'd film some footage along the way! 

I am no camerawoman or editor, but I hope you enjoy Part 1 anyway. This is up until we travelled up from Glasgow to Cullen. Everything after Glasgow will be in Part 2, coming soon!!

It's times like this, when I'm unleashing my un-made up face, close-ups of my messed-up teeth (awaiting surgery in Autumn, yayyy!) and questionable panic breakfast choices that I thank the baby Jesus I have disabled anon comments!! 

It's no thriller, but there's some funny moments/banter along the way that I hope will be enjoyable, rather than seeming hideously self-indulgent! 

Hope you enjoy my video diary!! :) 

PS - Guess how many times I say "HELLOOO" to animals in this video..? A) 1, B) 3 or C) 7!! .... I really need some new banter when conversing with animals! And there's more where that came from in Part 2! 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What I wore to Prezzo with pals...

To reiterate, this is what I wore out to lunch today. To Prezzo. With pals. I spent most of the walk to the restaurant and back trying to keep the short, flippy skirt of this Max C dress from flying up, to varying degrees of success! It's only when I am flashing my undies to passersby via my translucent footless tights that I remember I really bloody need some new leggings. 

If I had the money, I would love to go around every clothes shop and buy a new pair of leggings to put to the test. Just wear them constantly and see how long they take to go hole-y and fall to pieces. I really think the world needs this kind of research. H&M, Topshop and American Apparel have failed me in the leggings department this year and I am seriously losing my patience! If I wanted crotchless leggings, I would've just gone here (follow link for most disturbing product sell-line of all time...) 

Enough about crotches. I'm wearing a Max C dress, Jonathan Aston footless tights, H&M belt, Topshop pleather jacket, and some sunnies I found at uni. Finders, keepers! 

Sooo, I'm graduating *with a first!* tomorrow at 11am. My poor sod of a mother has to catch the 7.09 train from Bexhill to get here in time to drive to graduation, so I am looking forward to a day of kicking her awake and quite possible having my magical moment collecting my certificate at the stand being rudely interrupted by deafening snoring. Anything could happen! 

I will update at the earliest opportunity, chums, but right now, I have a date with Undercover Boss, some reduced Yum Yums from Sainsburys and a bag of salted popcorn. My diet has gone into free-fall and I am loving every bite of it. 

Until we next speak, please feel free to share any recommendations you have for good quality leggings?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gemini Fatale

Alex snapped a quick couple of outfit posts whilst we walked into town yesterday. It started raining halfway through the 'shoot'! 

This is the blog debut of my epic camel coat - complete with fur peter pan collar - which I picked up in a Shelter charity shop in Glasgow just after meeting up with Ayden. It was £6 which I thought was a bit steep at the time (I'm stingey), but I figured it was wool so it would be a wise (and warm) investment for winter. I usually shiver my way through the chilly months in a leather biker and big scarf! 

(Tee - c/o Wildfox, Jeans - Topshop, Flats and brolly - Primark, Lippie - Barry M #146 )

The t-shirt was a gift from Wildfox after I was selected to be an 'Astrology Fox' months back. They picked 12 bloggers to represent each star sign - and in turn, their star sign based t-shirt range - and had us all complete little questionnaires so they could do a little horoscope profile thing of each of us. Unfortunately, one blogger pulled out and refused to send their freebie shirt back for another blogger to use, so they had to pull the plug on the project, which was gutting. Pretty shocking behaviour, if you ask me.  Would've been amazing to have been featured on the Wildfox site, as was originally planned! 

Bitch-rant over, I thought I would share the photo and questionnaire answers I sent over with you guys so I could feel like that night I spent taking 500 photos in the hallway trying to get every letter of the word 'trouble' in the shot wasn't a complete waste!

1. Night Owl or Early Bird?

Night Owl

2. Disco Diva or House Bunny?

House Bunny (imposed by being a 3rd year Uni student!)

3. What's your favourite day of the week?

Wednesdays - I don't have work or uni so I can catch up on blogs and do some nail art!

4. What’s your favourite ice-cream flavour?

Hmmm, Chocolate Brownie flavour or Coffee.

5. Heels or flats?

Flats all the way! Life's too short to be hobbling about in pain after two hours. I just can't handle a heel!

6. If you were an animal, what would you be?

A cat. Loafing around and eating all day is my life's aim. 

7. Hopeless romantic or heart under lock and key?

I've been loved up with my boyfriend for 5 and a half years, but I'm not sure I'd consider us hopeless romantics! 

8. You’re meeting a friend, are you super early, bang on time, or about a week late?

I am usually a tad late. 

9. How would your friends describe you in 5 words?

Funny (I hope!), indecisive, cheapskate, excitable, broody...

10. You’ve got a spare hour, do you watch TV, work, clean the house, hit the gym, phone a friend or shop?

Watch TV - preferably Escape to the Country or Glee.

11. What’s your hair colour?

Black (mousey brown somewhere underneath it all)

12. When it comes to your appearance rate your maintenance from 1-5, 1 being low (Britney Spears) to 5 being high (Kim Kardashian).

2 - I don't spend much time or money on getting dressed or doing makeup, but my hair and nails can take time! 

13. What was your favourite childhood TV show?

Miami 7! I used to record every episode and watch it over and over. I should be cringing, but I still kinda love it! 

14. Mama’s girl or Daddy’s Princess?

Mummy's girl.

15. If I was an item of clothing I would be ...

Probably a hybrid like 'Jeggings' or a 'Skort', as I'm constantly in two minds about everything! 

Right, I'm off to do some cleaning for a flat inspection we have on Monday. Eep! 

Have a fun weekend, guys! That's an order. ♥

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Belated birthday adventures!

Evening chums!

I've been back to my home town of Bexhill for the past couple of days to see my family and meet up with my friend Katie. I do miss living beside the sea! It's so lovely when the sun's out and you can have an evening paddle in the sea (which Katie and I did last night - my feet are feeling tres exfoliated from the sand!). The only downside is how bloody windy it gets on the coast. Hairspray becomes about as useful as trying to control your hair style with thought alone. Ridiculous. 

Anywho, being beside the sea reminded me that I forgot to tell you about my birthday voyage by bus to sunny Whitstable with Alex back in June! Here are some snaps from the day...

We sat right at the front of the bus to enjoy the panoramic country views on the way. These views occurred after this photo was taken as the bus was still sat at our bus stop!

Looking a tad boobalicious in my pouffy denim Dorothy Perkins dress which has sadly sold out now. I was wearing an Ultimate Strapless bra, c/o Wonderbra which is unbelievably good. Definitely deserves its own post! 

A cute slogan (for a serious cause!)

I got all excited when I saw some Me & Zena jewellery in a little boutique. Always exciting to see one of your fave online brands in real life shops!! 

We met this heavenly little pup which I couldn't resist immediately mollycoddling! WISH I could remember her name... I'm sure it was hilarious... Like a really 'human' name for a pet. They always fascinate me. My brother once knew a girl with a cat called Kirsty! Haha!

Scampi and chips at the harbour! It was a very windy day, so my hair was blown to buggery by this point. 

From breaded scampi to a bearded boyf... I had to ask him to shave this off as a 'birthday gift' to me (he obliged the next day!) because he was refusing to and it was raging out of control. He was too scared to do it before his exams in case his beard 'contained his knowledge'... God help me. 

Yeah, I really should've taken a few snaps of this and made a GIF because these crustacean critters were ALIVE and wriggling about... Aargh! 

Some of Whitstable's famous Oysters, being sold for 50p a go! Couldn't bring myself to try one, but I do want to at some point! 

We were sucked in by Anthony W-T's recommendation (see bottom half of door!) and stopped for some cola and doughnuts! You just can't beat a hot, sugary doughnut, can you? Blissful! 

I became quite fascinated by the donut machine and asked to take a picture of it doing it's doughy thang. The staff were bemused at best, but I think the behind-the-scenes access has really added a new dimension to this blog post! Not really, I just wanted to see how that would sound.

From creation to consumption!! Yum!

A kind of crap picture of the sea and some boats... Didn't have my photography head on that day!  

Later on it was time for a meal at our favourite restaurant in Canterbury, Cafe du Soleil. I'm wearing a Topshop jacket, Headband c/o Little Fille (Mari's 'ways to wear a headband' vid is a must-see!), charity shop dress and heels. 

A shot of Alex designed to show you guys some of the interior of the restaurant (no offence, Alex!).. It's a gorgeous old stone building on the river with beams. Oh I do love a beam. 

We are kind of regulars at the restaurant and they were sweet enough to put a candle in my dessert! Aww!

Not only that, they took £10 off our bill as a bday gift! How sweet! I was compelled to sing their praises on Tripadvisor (see 4th July entry!), as they are fairly new and haven't had the praise they deserve online yet. If you're local, or visiting Canterbrury, I seriously recommend this restaurant!

So yes, that was my birthday, and what a lovely one it was. I still have pending belated plans with my friends, including a trip to Hever Castle and a possible spa trip!

I'm off to watch The Apprentice now. I'm a bit behind as Alex has been out playing footie. Tomorrow, we're viewing a new house out of curiosity (we're not dead set on moving, but we're definitely outgrowing our flat now so want to see if anything else wows us!), then our friends Martin and Jen are coming over for... Well, we don't know yet. But we're going to do something and it's going to be fun.


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