I had always had the logic in mind that I would grow the fringe out first, then gradually try to grow the back out into a 'Pob' situation, like I had started to around the time of this blog post, but it never really worked out.
What actually worked for me this time round was the opposite - the shorter the fringe, the longer the sides look, so I kept my fringe short short short and let the sides and back do their thing!
Let's start at the er, start, shall we?
Here I am at Reading Fest on 25th August 2013 with a slightly too-long crop:
Here I am at Reading Fest on 25th August 2013 with a slightly too-long crop:
Shortly after, leaving the rest of my hair alone, I cut in a straight fringe:
Around 6 weeks later, the sides were starting to come down a bit. I straightened the life out of the sides of my hair to make them look as long as poss!
Around 10 weeks into my 'growth', I trimmed my fringe crazy short and kept leaving the sides and back alone.
On 23rd December, 4 months in:
Mid-January - more fringe trimming. Lego-tastic!
This is around Mid-January - I started to put my hair over one ear to stop it all looking so lego-like and have more of a 'style' to it. This was a pretty messy hair day, soz.
February 2013 - the first time my hair started to look more bob-like and less crop-like!
And 1 month later - around 6 months into the whole growing thing - we have a little bob! Albeit a messy one. I've not had a trim or anything, I've just let it grow, so it's a bit messy at the back (I used to have it shaved at the nape, so growing that part out isn't fun!
And here's me the other day, 7 months since deciding to ditch the crop. I've started flicking the hair out at the bottom to give it a bit of shape and style.
So yeah! Onwards and upwards, or should that be downwards (ie: hair growing down... This whole line worked better in my head)
I've still got a long way to go and I know a time is coming where I'm going to have to have a bit of a trim to sort out my scruffy nape and get a layer or two around the crown for some oomph...
If you've got short hair and are thinking of growing it out, I say just go for it! My hair has breezed through the awkward stage so quickly and I'm so happy I stuck it out. It hasn't even been THAT awkward.
I even managed to get my hair in bunches at the weekend! Although they did look ridiculous. It was cool to buy hairbands for the first time in like, 7 years, though!
Hope you've enjoyed my journey from crop to bob!
Any more styling tips for a short-bobbed girl like me? I tried using curling tongs at the weekend. Verdict: TOO SOON. It was ridic.