Bonsoir, all!
Well, my wish for a shedload of snow to come my way so uni can get cancelled (and therefore I can get an extension on my project!) has come true, but it's a double edged sword. I had been planning to go to the Debenhams press day this morning before work to check out the Spring collections (including my usual fave range by Henry Holland) , so I got up at 7am and got ready for 90 minute mission to London. When I got to the station, it was packed out and the info screens said everything was delayed by approximately 75 years (or there abouts). So I had to scrap operation Debenhams and go home! Gutted! It kinda worked out though, because I went to uni and got loads done before my shift, so that's a weight off my shoulders. To conclude: Snow = yay and nay in equal measures.
Today I wore my two other uniform buys. By the way , my camera seems to hate picking up dark colours, which is why the brightness and contrast is always diddled beyond belief in my pics! Anyway, I bought this dress and this batwing cardigan. They were very last minute purchases and although neither of them have brought much excitement to my life, they are both flattering and comfy so I'm happy.

I've been feeling the need for some new specs, and having 'saved' £20 on trainfare, decided to indulge myself. I happen to prefer Specsavers' cheapie £25 lenses more than any of the pricier ones, and I picked up these gorgeous Edna frames. For £25!! Bargain! (Excuse the link is to the Aus site, sold out in UK!) They have such a vintagey look to them with the colour and cat-eye, I can't believe they're Specsavers!

Before I go, thanks for your hilarious comments on my new bitchy feature, 'This cat has claws'. Your positive response to the negativity has led me to add yet another feature idea to my to-do list. How do you feel about a feature I'd like to call 'The Naughty Step', where I name and shame the products I've bought that have been a waste of dosh? I'm figuring it's just as useful to know what not to buy as it is to know what to buy, so keep your eyes peeled!
Hope you've had a nice day, guys. I'm off to do uni work, or maybe just go to bed. Keeping my options open.