I've had this little unitard obsession for a long while which was always stilted by the fact American Apparel sell them for like £25... A little much for my purse strings. So imagine my intense joy when I came across a light grey one in their sale for £9 a month or so ago. I really wanted to use it in my uni shoot too so I was pretty excited about it.
I wanted a black one but just figured I'll dye it.. Can't be that hard right? Wrong.
I shelled out a fiver in C&H for some Dylon hand dye and the salt stuff you need for it and started the process in the kitchen sink at home. I didn't realise you had to stir that shiz constantly for 45 mins?! So I didn't. Admittedly, I did cut a few corners and just gave it the odd prod in between watching Come Dine With Me (♥). So when I dried it, I was pretty peeved to find the colour was so uneven. And not remotely black. Just patchy charcoal grey with big streaks from sitting on the radiator. FAIL.
I really wanted a black unitard for my shoot, which was looming, so I next spent £6 on Dylon 'EASIER THAN EVER' machine dye. I excitedly followed the instructions and retrieved the item from the washing machine when the time was up, and was SEETHING to find it was still bloody charcoal grey! And that's not even the issue, it was totally patchified. And had some proper splatter effects going on. Lame!
Has anyone else tried to dye something black? Am I missing some kind of secret to achieving the perfect black shade?
So, yeah. £21 down the line, and my bargain isn't looking so bargainous anymore... I'm stuck with a patchy (and a touch misshapen after all of the manhandling) excuse for a unitard. I guess this is what you get for trying to be a cheapskate and cut corners when really, it would've been easier to get a black one in the first place! Sigh.
The shitness doesn't show up that well on camera. I'll still wear the unitard, but after all this drama it's just charged with negativity and bad memories!
Dylon, thanks for bankrupting me whilst also ruining my unitard dreams. I hate you!