Firstly, in reference to my last post, my 'santa, please turn me into one of these girls' comment was meant in jest and in reference to the overall cool aura the ladies posess and was not weight-related. I am very comfortable with my 'curves' and would never aspire to be stick-thin. I have a bit of a weird sense of humour, which I suppose can sometimes get a bit lost in translation on the blog and come across as intense self-loathing! So thanks for your sweet comments and sorry if I came across like a depressed dweeb! I just do it for the lolz. Carbs are my religion, and that will never change!
So anyways, I procrastinated my evening away on Polyvore compiling this little visual wishlist. The task was made a lot harder by the fact Roxy was asleep on my lap and across my arm like so:

I love the Opening Ceremony leopard cardi with a passion. Motel do a similar one but it's just not the same.
What's top of your Christmas list this year?
Despite my wishlist, my ACTUAL list is tiny, I feel like I have everything I need, really. I'm looking forward to some new perfume and a nice cosy dressing gown. Money's a bonus, obviously. I'm not that selfless!
PS - the work party was great, in all its awkward glory!