OMG long time no blog! Hello!
I was staying with family for a few days and for some reason my photos wouldn't upload to Blogger at mum's house? It was tres frustrating. I hope you all had a delish festive period with minimum stress and maximum calories? Generally, I did!
I have a bit of a backlog of stuff to blog about (my amazing current nails, my boxing day sale bargains, etc!) so I'll get a few pictures from last week out of the way tonight.
The 23rd was Alex's birthday. I didn't get many pictures, but we went out for a lovely dinner with our friends which was great. I made him an amazing birthday cake (well, to be fair, Betty Crocker did the donkey work!) I definitely recommend Betty's devil's food cake and chocolate fudge icing. Alex was reluctant to share any of it with his mates!

Alex's cute sweater he wore on his birthday:

On Christmas Eve I had to work all day and the dress code was 'festive', so I dug out some novelty reindeer ears my mum got me last christmas! One of my antlers had erectile disfunction and kept flopping down so I was constantly readjusting all day! I also forgot I was wearing them whilst storming around town angrily on my lunch break (the town centre on xmas eve is quite literally my idea of hell) I must've looked pretty ridic!

Alex and I spent Christmas day together in our flat. We got up super early and ate pain au chocolat and opened our presents. Here are a few things Alex got me:

I did a festive gold manicure for christmas day with my lovely new polish!

Alex also got me the lovely peter pan Wallpaper Rose t-shirt I wanted! I hadn't been expecting it, because I had messaged Louise (the designer) before christmas and she said they were all sold out, but it turned out Alex had got her to tell me a white lie so it would be a surprise! The cheeky devils! :)

Us hanging out in the kitchen whilst I was cooking our festive feast:

Me looking like a madman with a knife after carving the turkey!

(I literally didn't hold back on the roast potatoes. I didn't eat any of my vegetables in the end so I could have extra room for the scrummy carbs!)
On Boxing Day, Alex's parents came round and we exchanged presents. They got me loads of amazing stuff! Some lovely wedge boots that Alex's mum wears 'as slippers' (how glamorous?!), a 3 year subscription to Company Magazine, Wii fit plus and some low fat cooking spray (Alex's mum is helping me with my quest for a healthier 2011!) a wicked brow pencil and some hand cream by Soap and Glory and some cute kitten note cards. Can't believe my luck!

Then it was the annual Boxing Day feast at Alex's family friends' house. My mum had taken advantage of the special offer on indoor fireworks in Hawkins Bazaar (available here, sold out on Hawkins' site!) and bought us and Alex's parents some for christmas, so we took some to dinner. It caused a lot of laughter and quite possibly a bit of lung disease (so.much.smoke!)

I filmed some of the firework fun when Alex and I did our fireworks at home on christmas day. I uploaded a couple of videos on Youtube so you could witness the novel alternative we found to the instruction: 'Place the firework into a firm surface such as soil or sand'... Check out the other video to hear me and Alex bickering! I was a bit paranoid...
After the meal I went home to see my mum, brother and sister which was lovely. My mum gave me some money for christmas, which I have all but spent! Oops! Will be sharing my purchases with you in due course :)
It's been such a busy week but I've really enjoyed myself. It was so nice to share christmas with Alex and Roxy. It was just so chilled out and fun! Did you have a lovely time? Or are you glad it's all over? Bit of both..? Same!
Working today until 7pm... Not looking forward to tidying the Topshop sale! But I suppose I've had 4 days off to prepare myself...
I was staying with family for a few days and for some reason my photos wouldn't upload to Blogger at mum's house? It was tres frustrating. I hope you all had a delish festive period with minimum stress and maximum calories? Generally, I did!
I have a bit of a backlog of stuff to blog about (my amazing current nails, my boxing day sale bargains, etc!) so I'll get a few pictures from last week out of the way tonight.
The 23rd was Alex's birthday. I didn't get many pictures, but we went out for a lovely dinner with our friends which was great. I made him an amazing birthday cake (well, to be fair, Betty Crocker did the donkey work!) I definitely recommend Betty's devil's food cake and chocolate fudge icing. Alex was reluctant to share any of it with his mates!
Alex's cute sweater he wore on his birthday:
On Christmas Eve I had to work all day and the dress code was 'festive', so I dug out some novelty reindeer ears my mum got me last christmas! One of my antlers had erectile disfunction and kept flopping down so I was constantly readjusting all day! I also forgot I was wearing them whilst storming around town angrily on my lunch break (the town centre on xmas eve is quite literally my idea of hell) I must've looked pretty ridic!

Alex and I spent Christmas day together in our flat. We got up super early and ate pain au chocolat and opened our presents. Here are a few things Alex got me:
(Juicy Jules, 25 Carat Gold, Red Red Wine)
I did a festive gold manicure for christmas day with my lovely new polish!
Alex also got me the lovely peter pan Wallpaper Rose t-shirt I wanted! I hadn't been expecting it, because I had messaged Louise (the designer) before christmas and she said they were all sold out, but it turned out Alex had got her to tell me a white lie so it would be a surprise! The cheeky devils! :)
Us hanging out in the kitchen whilst I was cooking our festive feast:
Me looking like a madman with a knife after carving the turkey!
(I literally didn't hold back on the roast potatoes. I didn't eat any of my vegetables in the end so I could have extra room for the scrummy carbs!)
On Boxing Day, Alex's parents came round and we exchanged presents. They got me loads of amazing stuff! Some lovely wedge boots that Alex's mum wears 'as slippers' (how glamorous?!), a 3 year subscription to Company Magazine, Wii fit plus and some low fat cooking spray (Alex's mum is helping me with my quest for a healthier 2011!) a wicked brow pencil and some hand cream by Soap and Glory and some cute kitten note cards. Can't believe my luck!
Then it was the annual Boxing Day feast at Alex's family friends' house. My mum had taken advantage of the special offer on indoor fireworks in Hawkins Bazaar (available here, sold out on Hawkins' site!) and bought us and Alex's parents some for christmas, so we took some to dinner. It caused a lot of laughter and quite possibly a bit of lung disease (so.much.smoke!)
I filmed some of the firework fun when Alex and I did our fireworks at home on christmas day. I uploaded a couple of videos on Youtube so you could witness the novel alternative we found to the instruction: 'Place the firework into a firm surface such as soil or sand'... Check out the other video to hear me and Alex bickering! I was a bit paranoid...
After the meal I went home to see my mum, brother and sister which was lovely. My mum gave me some money for christmas, which I have all but spent! Oops! Will be sharing my purchases with you in due course :)
It's been such a busy week but I've really enjoyed myself. It was so nice to share christmas with Alex and Roxy. It was just so chilled out and fun! Did you have a lovely time? Or are you glad it's all over? Bit of both..? Same!
Working today until 7pm... Not looking forward to tidying the Topshop sale! But I suppose I've had 4 days off to prepare myself...