We all love a regular blog feature, don't we? I figured if I can't commit to my weekly Tuesday tips at the moment, maybe I can introduce a new feature that comes a little easier. In ye olde fashion biz, everyone is so quick to heap praise on things left right and centre. As a blogger, isn't it my job to derail this just a bit?
So this new feature will be me speaking my mind on matters of the wardrobe. I'm hoping it will be quite therapeutic, as I have a lot of pent up uni-anger to unleash and if I don't take it out on the blog, it will be the boyfriend!
Round one, ding ding!
Anyone else think the H&M x Lanvin collection is quite frankly horrific? There's tacky-ironic and there's just tacky. I know I sound like the cliche snarky writer right now, but I'm genuinely bemused! At what point did H&M think this would suit their target market? Even the fashion-forward customer would surely laugh at this? There are one or two pretty normal dresses in the collection, but even they look like Rare knock-offs at best. I feel bad because I think Alber seems like he'd make a really sweet uncle (I'm not a very good bitch am I?) but there is just no excuse for this:

I did wonder whether it was just the styling that let Uncle Elbaz down, so I checked out the individual item shots, then this happened:

If anyone can justify these designs to me in the comments box, I am ready and awaiting your guidance. Where are my retinas to go from here?
Confused in Kent,