£50 well ebay-ed!

I spent the day glued to a computer at uni doing work for a project due on monday, and I got heaps done, so I thought I'd treat myself!
Am so glad I now (almost) own a proper Luella item, as she was my numero uno. It shall join my Luella badge at the top of my list of most prized possessions. Hopefully if someone gets a bloody clue and saves Luella I will some day be able to add a lovely frock to that list.
Elsewhere, this delicious little behind-the-scenes video of Topshop's SS10 shoot brightened up my inbox today.
They also sent me some pics from their transitional Spring lookbook. Apparently the lipstick colour du jour is blue! It looks amazing! Isn't the styling a dream (EDIT: just found out Dazed's Fashion Ed Katie Shillingford did the styling)? I just want it all. Yep. They've got me right where they want me. I'm a slave to the machine... But it just feels so good!
If I had hair, I would soooo be stealing the chunky plait look! Here are my faves:

Oh, to be a millionaire... Or even a thousandaire!