So I'm not sure if this is common knowledge to those who aren't Twitter addicts like me (Yes, I hate myself for it!) but there has been a total furore about the presence of bloggers at London Fashion Week this season.
It started with this article about bloggers "invading our press rooms, and eating all the food". Disney Roller Girl said on her twitter "Lots of chat about the influx of bloggers at #LFW Some irked press are calling them 'bliggers' (bloggers + liggers geddit)". Urban Dictionary tells me that a 'ligger' is, "An individual who attends parties, openings, social gatherings and events with the sole intention of obtaining free food and drink - an arch blagger." More blogger horror stories in The Times today ("One insisted they were a staff member of Harper’s Bazaar magazine — until the real ticket-holder showed up") There's also been loads of chatter about bloggers in the front row eating biscuits and playing with their iPhones... Not doing any actual work. If I got invited to shows, I'd bloody get my head down and get a great scoop for you lot! I'd never take it for granted!
Anyway, all this kerfuffle has led to my favourite hobby getting a bad name. I don't want to be tarred with the same brush as these apparent freebie-grasping posers! So my word of advice to the bad eggs spoiling it for the rest of us... Less cavorting, more reporting! Feel free to join my campaign and get your toilet bleach and paintbrushes out!

The fault isn't really these blogger's themselves (besides being stupid enough to act like entitled buffoons at events many people have worked for years to earn their seat at) but the PR's. After all, they're the ones who have deemed these people worthy to enter the shows. I'm pretty sure there will be much stricter vetting next season.
The whole thing has led to a lot of soul-searching for myself as well as other bloggers. Marian Kihogo wrote a great post which led to a big comment-discussion of the whole situation. It's frustrating to feel ashamed to be a blogger at events like LFW, because other prats are spoiling it. I'm super tired and aware I'm repeating myself so I'm gonna go to bed.
Anyway my t-shirt has provided a slight outlet to my stresses about the whole thing. I think you should all make one, or a little badge for your blog to set ourselves apart! :)
I'd really love to know your thoughts on the whole thing?