Today has been what I describe as a 'doing day'. I got lots of stuff that needed doing done. If that makes sense!
I did a little bit of both uni projects, lots of laundry, hoovering, tidied the study, did an exchange that's been bugging me for ages, and fed my h&m jersey addiction just a bit more. I'm addicted to their baggy tees. I seem to buy them on a weekly basis these days! I like to get my shoulders out but hate getting my arms out, so the baggy tops are great because you flash a bit of shoulder if you wish! And the bagginess is just a plus in itself.

(top and skirt - h&m, boots - charity shop, socks - dorothy perkins, necklace - urban outfitters)
I cut my hair today. Well, I shaved it actually! I did the sides and the back. It looks a little weird, but all in all I'm proud of my first attempt! I also trimmed my ridiculous emo fringe so it's not in my eyes 24/7 anymore!
No Uni again tomorrow, so it'll be another day of working on my projects. And divulging the latest Tuesday tip!! Also, it'll be a small milestone in mine and
Alex's co-habitation... We've always shopped at Asda and I've been trying to convince him that Morrisons is just... nicer (there's something so clinical about Asda... I don't know why), but he is stubborn about the silliest things. I've finally ground him down, and tomorrow we are hitting Morrisons. I may dress up for the occasion! I just hope they've got some good deals on so my struggle won't have been in vain. Haha!
Enough about my rock and roll lifestyle, I'm going to go to bed and read my new Nylon magazine (coolness redeemed?). I hope it's worth the £4.25... It can be a bit hit or miss. Does anyone else vomit in their mouth a bit at the price of fashion magazines? There have been times I've spent about £25 on a few magazines. Ha, what a generic thing to moan about! I really must be tired. Anyway, I've actually stopped buying i-D and Dazed for a while. They always make me realise I know absolutely diddly squat about fashion so I'd rather sit in my little bubble of blissful ignorance. And save my pennies! :)
Nighty night xx