I do love when it's uniform time at work (Aka. 60% off three items at Topshop every three months)! I am such a pauper most of the time, it's lovely to buy nice things I'd never usually be able to justify. My third item I picked at the last minute, and I'm not all that sure of it but I'll get your opinions on that another day!
For now, let's look at my pretty new leopard collar dress. You can't really see the shape of it that much, but here's a google image of it (it's sold out on the site!) I love that it's a smock, rather than the tighter empire line peter pan dresses Topshop are doing at the mo. It's a much more flattering shape for my lumps and bumps. It is a tad bummy, though, as I realised when I was reaching up to put a bag back at work earlier, and realised two thirds of my arse was literally greeting the queue of people nearby! Cringe! Luckily I was wearing three pairs of tights, so I wasn't revealing an awful lot in my smutty display!

I wore it with the boots I bought on my weekend away with Alex, and topped the sixties look off with a dark, flicky eye.
I love days like this when I've made a bit of an effort. It always puts a spring in my step!
I'm going to try and do a bit of my uni work now. I have the day off work tomorrow so I'm going to give it my full attention. Well, once I've dyed my hair and had a play with various new hair products I bought today (reviews will ensue for any great or shit ones). Priorities!
Enough about me me me! How are you guys? Snowing yet? Not so much as a flake here! Fun weekend plans? Thoughts on X Factor? Matt to win! Wagner to go! Cher to stop dancing with her legs pointing at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock!