I hate that I haven't posted up my weekend away pics yet and haven't caught up with all of your blogs in ages!
I have been casually ignoring the fact I need to hand in a 5000 word dissertation draft this Friday (the real deal is due in January and is 8-10,000 words). Well I have been doing loads of reading on it but forgot I actually had to write some stuff too! All in all my life has gone a bit mental this week, as I try and get this thing typed up! I've been so stressed out that I've been turning to downing handfuls of my trusty Bach rescue remedy pastilles! I can't tell for sure if they work, but I'm guessing that by deeming it appropriate to post a little blog when I've only done 1600 words means I'm pretty chilled out. Ha!
I'm going to get cracking now. For those that are interested, my dissertation question is:
'Free Speech: How fashion bloggers demonstrate postmodernism and influence their readers and in turn the modernist mainstream fashion media.'
It doesn't really make much sense as a title, but the dissertation itself is shaping up to be quite interesting, if I may say so myself! I Just need to resist the urge to slam my head in the laptop and maintain a bright outlook!
See you in 3400 words time!
Missing you! ♥