Warung Bebas

Saturday, April 9, 2011


A very quick outfit post today, as I'm about to rush off to work. Then it's a colleague's leaving drinks afterwards, so I won't be about to blog later. 

Thought I'd switch up from the borrring background in my hallway today...

(Jacket - H&M, Dress - Topshop, Belt - H&M, Bow - H&M, Boots - charity shop)

The jacket is probably a bit much on a warm day like today, but the air con was a bit nippy in work the other day so I'm hoping it'll be okay. The dress is a bit arm-y and my arms are grotesque, so I'd really rather not have to flaunt them! Fingers crossed for icy air con...

Hope you have an exquisite weekend! Anyone put any bets on the Grand Nash? Good luck if so. I put £1 on a horse called 'Niche Market' as I feel quite an affinity with the phrase... 

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