Warung Bebas

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend in Pictures (and Words)

I went home this weekend to hang out with the family in Bexhill. I didn't take many photos as a lot of my time was spent loafing about, which doesn't make for a particularly interesting image. Here are the ones I did take...

Alex & I hit the charity shops (just for a change). This was a rather odd teddy mannequin in a charity shop! (My charity shop haul is further down this post! I didn't buy the bear...)

We went to Rye bonfire with my mum and sister that night. I'm not sure how popular bonfire society's are around the country, but they are a pretty big deal in East Sussex. Once a year, each town's bonfire society form part of a huge procession that goes all around the town with torches, banging drums! It's pretty scary stuff!

The procession eventually makes its way to a huge pile of wood, where they all chuck their torches onto it and light the bonfire. Shortly after that, an epic fireworks display takes place!

The fireworks were absolutely amazing. They made up for bonfire night (our anniversary), when we were such cheapskates that we decided to park 'near' the Canterbury fireworks rather than pay the £7 entry charge to watch them. Turns out our parking space was about a mile away and the fireworks were a dot on the horizon. With an annoying sound delay. All that's forgotten now we've seen these bad boys up close!

We were staying in Alex's parents' flat in Bexhill (they are up at their other house in Scotland at the moment) and were awoken by a remembrance sunday procession going by this morning. 

Alex filmed it to show his parents.. This shot hides the fact he was on the balcony in his boxers!

Me and the procession! The sun was in my face so I was pulling a bit of a fugly squint face.

We met with mum to take the dogs for a stroll and checked out the newly revamped Collonade, which now houses a load of adorable shops.

(hat - Topshop, boots - Topshop, jeggings - H&M dress - c/o Lazy Oaf, jacket - charity shop)

I really liked some of these prints:

Aww, retro bicycle accessories! If only the idea of riding a bike wasn't so totally terrifying, I'd be bang on this.

On the train home, fighting boredom! Looks like I have several spare tyres thanks to the creasing of my t-shirt!

Decided the solution to the boredom-fight was to photograph my charity shop haul then and there on the train! They were all shoes so it was easy.

Cute almost-flat courts. My black velvet M&S ones broke recently, so have been looking for some new ones! £2.75.

OMFG, fugly chunky trainers! Originally from Primark, weirdly! £3.50 (the only time you'll find my buying Primark in a charity shop - it usually enrages me!) 

Burgundy Clarks loafers! £3.99. I know these will make a killing on eBay, but they fit me like a glove and I don't really have any loafers, so think these will be a good addition to the shoedrobe. 

Et voila! 

Did you have a good weekend? 

Thanks for the tweets and comments on the last post - glad you enjoyed the deals and I'm sorry for any part I have played in any bankruptcies out there! 

Off to catch up on Derren Brown now!


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