Taking very rushed outfit photos in the mornings before work. The 'why must you blink every time I press the shutter down?' 8am showdown just doesn't get old. Oh wait, it does!
(Dress - Topshop, Jumper and Shoes - charity shop)
(Dress - New Look sale, cardi - charity shop)
(Clarks loafers - charity shop, Frostbitten Ankles - model's own... definitely too cold to have anything exposed at the mo!)
Spending the weekend by the sea, visiting friends, family and charity shops. I painted my nails using Models Own Peacock Green on the train there. It's beautiful and has barely chipped after 4 days wear and NO topcoat! My phone's cam didn't really capture the shimmer, but luckily Google has better pictures of it.
My outfit for our very cold mooch round the charity shops on Saturday:
(Jumper - c/o Tesco, Dress - H&M)
Sunday morning wanderings round Brighton with our pals:
It's a pineapple shaped flask and cup set!!
Danielle snooping out a bargain...
We met this chilly little chappy! Aww, he melted my heart. Can anyone tell me what breed this guy is? I want one.
Beyond Retro. Literally.
As if this boy needs ANY MORE damn t-shirts. A new one arrives in the post almost every week! Usually with Morrissey's face on it. Should I be worried?
A visit to Bill's to scope out the bloody overpriced lovingly handmade culinary delights...
Then it was home time, where we had to catch 2 trains and a replacement bus to get home. It took over 3 hours! To cheer ourselves up, we put all of our christmas decorations up in the lounge :D
Cute DIY tin lanterns are all around!
Our adorable russian doll-style festive friends from the Paperchase sale in January!
In other news, I've been working heaps but am looking forward to our trip to Aberdeen on Thursday (home on Monday night). Going to try and keep on top of blogging while I'm there as I have so many cool tips to share but cannot for the life of me find the time to photograph and blog them at the minute!
Ooh, and while I'm here, I must tell you about the insane deal on in Boots at the moment which I've asked Alex to buy me for christmas. You get ALL THIS No7 gear for £30. I reviewed the face creams on the blog before and haven't been able to afford to buy any more. The day and night cream are over £20 each as it is, so to get all this stuff for £30 is too good to pass up! Totally eyeing this one up for mum's christmas prezzie, too!
Speak soon, meine lieblings!