I'm currently having a completely wunderbar time at London Fashion Week. Before I get round to posting all of my pictures (and there may be another video diary!) I thought I'd quickly share this outfit I wore on Thursday to work (hence *Outfit Of The Other Day!). I didn't get to blog it that evening as I was having a total wardrobe meltdown trying to pack for LFW! The daylight was going, so excuse the unflattering flash on the first shot - the camera decided it was necessary and my approach to photography is 'whatever Auto says, goes'!
(velvet shirt, denim jacket, boots - charity shop, leopard leggings - Topshop)
What a find this jacket was - it has little pink and white gems on it!
(lipstick - 'all about me' from Topshop)
I can't wait to share my pics, vids and tales with you guys when this weekend is over. I'm loving every minute of it, even queuing for aaaages in the cold for shows only to get turned away at the last second. Admittedly, most of the time it's because I don't actually have an invite (why a big pink smile and good intentions don't count as a show ticket, I'll never know!) Anyway, half of the fun of fashion week is what happens between the shows - the people you meet in the queue/loo/lounge, so it's all good!
If you want to keep up with London Fashion Week, head to style.com! That's what I'm going to do right now!
Have a lovely weekend!