One of my thrifty finds in Paris was this battered old Backstreet Boys tee for 5€! I wore it to work yesterday because if anyone can appreciate 90s nostalgia its the Company Mag team (in fact, Alexxsia wrote a spiffing article all about it in the new issue which is out today!)
As you can tell from my poses, I'm a bit excited about my new tee...
(Head scarf - charity shop, jeans - Primark, shoes - 'Nuff Said' by Office, sold out now!)
In my last few outfit posts, people have been commenting that I'm looking slimmer and I did notice that my pins look a bit more pin-like than in real life in these pics... Before you all go thinking I'm buckling to the body pressures of the media industry, the opposite is occurring! I am putting on weight from this job - cupcakes, Krispy Kremes and sweets are practically on tap and I have no self control when it comes to this! So I have not lost weight, I'm expanding by the week but after nearly 5 years of blogging, seem to know the right ways to stand(/things to wear) to hide this fact!
I'm off to nip into town to see if I can find some pretty new clothes and then am heading to Bexhill to hit the legendary charity shops by day and see the fam by night. Then maybe having a celebratory dinner with friends tomorrow night re: being a future wifey! Thanks for the wonderful comments on my last post regarding my engagement, btw!
Hope y'all have a lovely weekend, gang!