Warung Bebas

Monday, December 10, 2012

Topshop Lipstick, I LOVE YOU.

I am a bit of a lippy fiend. If I feel like I'm looking a bit trampy or below average, a bit of lipstick is the one thing I can rely on to make me look decent. Good, even. 

I've heard mixed reviews of Topshop lipsticks but I for one am obsessed. When I was a Topshop make up specialist, the 'legend' went that Topshop make up was created by the same people who make MAC make up, making it really similar in its er, make up, and a fraction of the price!

I am in love with two shades in particular: Brighton Rock and All About Me. 

Brighton Rock

This is a classic Topshop lipstick, right from their very first make up collection. It has gone through phases of being totally sold out and my make up artist pal Sophie says she's seen it go on eBay for £20 before! Sought after or what? 

It's a creamy fluoro pinky coral shade that makes any outfit looks instantaneously cooler. I do find this one needs a couple of top ups throughout the day to keep looking awesome, but it's worth it because the colour and consistency is so good. (Topshop.com, £8)

All About Me

This lipstick is probably my all time favourite. It's the most pigmented hot pink shade I own and has a fab satin matte finish so is not uber drying. It lasts all day and although I sound ridiculous as I'm talking about lipstick, I feel truly 'myself' when I'm wearing this shade! Does anyone else get that with a specific lippy? 

Downside? I get McFly 'All About You' stuck in my head when I remember the name of this lipstick. Or is that secretly an upside? Hmmm... (Topshop, £8)

Which is your go-to lipstick brand? Do you rate Topshop's lippies? Aren't McFly awesome? I've said too much.


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