I had time to kill whilst waiting for Tottenham Court Road Specsavers to replace the lens in my glasses (my sight's getting worse - yay!) and rather than stress myself out in Primark, I wondered the other way up the road. That's when I saw it. A window full of pretty coloured miscellaneous household items. I knew it was love.
(I didn't get an exterior shot so here's one I've borrowed)
I'd never even heard of the Copenhagen-born store Tiger but friends from Basingstoke and Watford tell me it's nothing new there - WHY have I not heard of my dream store before now?!
Here is just some of the weird and wonderful goods this shop sells...
Adorable house storage boxes for £2:
Coloured cotton buds anyone? Effing up your liquid eyeliner has never been so fun to correct!
Definitely didn't know I needed a tube squeezer until they made a lip shaped one...
500 million candles and pretty serviettes!
All the spices ever, because why not?!
Babushka pepper mill!!! Devo'd I didn't buy this - went back today and it was gone.
Everything just has such a cute illustrated aesthetic to it, it's lovely!
Typography cups and pretty tea/coffee cannisters!
Classic Tiger merchandising - no two objects are similar! Letter magnets, moustache stamps and a solar powered heart. Brilliantly random.
Loved these so much I bought a couple when I went back today!

They even sell uber functional items like Ethernet cables and every type of glassware your kitchen could need - for ridiculously cheap prices!
Crazy scandi-candy!
Random condiments and sauces...
The illustrated greetings cards were probably the most bizarre items - nothing says happy birthday quite like a nervous looking person wearing earphones or an old man in Y-fronts! Amazing.
On top of all that there's the most insane amount of stationery and crafty items!
I mean, isn't it the most insanely bizarre yet awesome store in the world?!
Wish they had an online store but maybe it's for the best they don't... At least you can check for your nearest store on their site, though! Do it. Your life will be better.
Are you a Tiger fan? Know any other stores that sell cheap and crazy stuff? Do share!!
PS - This isn't a sponsored post, I'm just the enthusiastic type. #dealwithit