I've had a lovely chilled weekend, including re-discovering the slightly ropey roof space out the back of our flat which I remembered is quite a good outfit photo location! So without further ado, here's what I wore on Saturday:
(Jeans -
Topshop 'Mom', Boots - Topshop I-can't-remember, Tee and Jacket - Charity Shop)
Saturday consisted of going around central London because it was the very rare occasion that I can actually face shopping! I had a pretty epic haul actually (might save for another post), but this Mango jacket was my fave!
The lowlight was Alex dragging me round vintage shops as I have, in my old age, become so utterly fed up with them. They actually make me verge on feeling panic-attacky which is bizarre, but HEY, they still make for a good photo.
And BREATHE... So on Saturday night we checked out Cabana, the new Brasilian place in Islington with the loveliest paintwork of all time! LOVELY food.
Sunday was spent mooching around Dalston and Stoke Newington near us, meeting up with some pals before I went for a sunday roast at my mate Charlotte's house! She edits
Betty Magazine, which you need in your life almost instantly.
I basically wore ALL the new things from Saturday:
(Jacket -
Mango, jumper and jeans -
H&M, peplum top -
Monki sale, DM's - charity shop)
We headed to the Princess May car boot sale. We have never got anything in there but still always go JUST IN CASE...
A quick stop at the florist on Stoke Newington Road for tulips for Charlotte!
Roast dinner time! Charlotte and Jen went to UCA too, but it's only since uni we've become chummy - and I'm so glad we have.
And that was my lovely weekend in a nutshell!
It's a busy week ahead as I'll be getting all of my deadlines for features in the April issue of Company Magazine! Always my favourite time of the month, when I make loads of lists and pretend I'm all organised, before it all spirals out of control later on in the month... It's always fun, even amid the chaos. Anyway, I'm actually reading an amazing book on becoming a '
productivity ninja' so maybe I can get through this issue without chaos... Watch this space!
Hope happy weekends have been had all round! xo