Alex snapped a quick couple of outfit posts whilst we walked into town yesterday. It started raining halfway through the 'shoot'!
This is the blog debut of my epic camel coat - complete with fur peter pan collar - which I picked up in a Shelter charity shop in Glasgow just after meeting up with Ayden. It was £6 which I thought was a bit steep at the time (I'm stingey), but I figured it was wool so it would be a wise (and warm) investment for winter. I usually shiver my way through the chilly months in a leather biker and big scarf!
(Tee - c/o Wildfox, Jeans - Topshop, Flats and brolly - Primark, Lippie - Barry M #146 )
The t-shirt was a gift from Wildfox after I was selected to be an 'Astrology Fox' months back. They picked 12 bloggers to represent each star sign - and in turn, their star sign based t-shirt range - and had us all complete little questionnaires so they could do a little horoscope profile thing of each of us. Unfortunately, one blogger pulled out and refused to send their freebie shirt back for another blogger to use, so they had to pull the plug on the project, which was gutting. Pretty shocking behaviour, if you ask me. Would've been amazing to have been featured on the Wildfox site, as was originally planned!
Bitch-rant over, I thought I would share the photo and questionnaire answers I sent over with you guys so I could feel like that night I spent taking 500 photos in the hallway trying to get every letter of the word 'trouble' in the shot wasn't a complete waste!
1. Night Owl or Early Bird?
Night Owl
2. Disco Diva or House Bunny?
House Bunny (imposed by being a 3rd year Uni student!)
3. What's your favourite day of the week?
Wednesdays - I don't have work or uni so I can catch up on blogs and do some nail art!
4. What’s your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Hmmm, Chocolate Brownie flavour or Coffee.
5. Heels or flats?
Flats all the way! Life's too short to be hobbling about in pain after two hours. I just can't handle a heel!
6. If you were an animal, what would you be?
A cat. Loafing around and eating all day is my life's aim.
7. Hopeless romantic or heart under lock and key?
I've been loved up with my boyfriend for 5 and a half years, but I'm not sure I'd consider us hopeless romantics!
8. You’re meeting a friend, are you super early, bang on time, or about a week late?
I am usually a tad late.
9. How would your friends describe you in 5 words?
Funny (I hope!), indecisive, cheapskate, excitable, broody...
10. You’ve got a spare hour, do you watch TV, work, clean the house, hit the gym, phone a friend or shop?
Watch TV - preferably Escape to the Country or Glee.
11. What’s your hair colour?
Black (mousey brown somewhere underneath it all)
12. When it comes to your appearance rate your maintenance from 1-5, 1 being low (Britney Spears) to 5 being high (Kim Kardashian).
2 - I don't spend much time or money on getting dressed or doing makeup, but my hair and nails can take time!
13. What was your favourite childhood TV show?
Miami 7! I used to record every episode and watch it over and over. I should be cringing, but I still kinda love it!
14. Mama’s girl or Daddy’s Princess?
Mummy's girl.
15. If I was an item of clothing I would be ...
Probably a hybrid like 'Jeggings' or a 'Skort', as I'm constantly in two minds about everything!
Right, I'm off to do some cleaning for a flat inspection we have on Monday. Eep!
Have a fun weekend, guys! That's an order. ♥