Warung Bebas

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What I wore to Prezzo with pals...

To reiterate, this is what I wore out to lunch today. To Prezzo. With pals. I spent most of the walk to the restaurant and back trying to keep the short, flippy skirt of this Max C dress from flying up, to varying degrees of success! It's only when I am flashing my undies to passersby via my translucent footless tights that I remember I really bloody need some new leggings. 

If I had the money, I would love to go around every clothes shop and buy a new pair of leggings to put to the test. Just wear them constantly and see how long they take to go hole-y and fall to pieces. I really think the world needs this kind of research. H&M, Topshop and American Apparel have failed me in the leggings department this year and I am seriously losing my patience! If I wanted crotchless leggings, I would've just gone here (follow link for most disturbing product sell-line of all time...) 

Enough about crotches. I'm wearing a Max C dress, Jonathan Aston footless tights, H&M belt, Topshop pleather jacket, and some sunnies I found at uni. Finders, keepers! 

Sooo, I'm graduating *with a first!* tomorrow at 11am. My poor sod of a mother has to catch the 7.09 train from Bexhill to get here in time to drive to graduation, so I am looking forward to a day of kicking her awake and quite possible having my magical moment collecting my certificate at the stand being rudely interrupted by deafening snoring. Anything could happen! 

I will update at the earliest opportunity, chums, but right now, I have a date with Undercover Boss, some reduced Yum Yums from Sainsburys and a bag of salted popcorn. My diet has gone into free-fall and I am loving every bite of it. 

Until we next speak, please feel free to share any recommendations you have for good quality leggings?

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