I've seen a few different pom pom wreaths around the interweb before and decided to have a go at making my own festive variation, whilst (true to form) cutting as many corners as possible. I give you: THE EASIEST POM POM WREATH EVER MADE.
So for this uber easy take on a festive pom pom wreath, you will need: wool, scissors and a wire hanger. That's all!
So for this uber easy take on a festive pom pom wreath, you will need: wool, scissors and a wire hanger. That's all!
- Choose the colours you want your pom poms to be (I bought green, red and cream from C&H Fabrics at about £1.50 each)
- Make pom poms! You can make them all one colour or mixed. Both of my techniques are explained in this tutorial I filmed earlier. It was a bit rushed as I wanted to get this post up before midnight, so if I'm unclear, do ask questions! The best thing to do is probably use my tutorial as a template and work out your own technique as you go along.
- Once you have made about 20, carefully untwist a wire hanger (use pliers or a boyfriend if you're struggling), bend it into a circle (I trod on mine a bit to make the corners round) and then thread the pom poms on in whichever sequence you want.
- Twist the top of the hanger back up and cover up the fugliness by wrapping some wool tightly around it. You could also use ribbon. And maybe tie a bow! Ooh I've just decided I am going to do that to mine in a bit! Because I'd wrapped the wool round the hook quite tightly, I found I didn't need to tie it off or glue it once I'd finished wrapping the hanger.

- You could also add some tinsel, bows, festive beads or LED lights (Poundland are full of them) if you fancied.
- Hang it on your door, or alternatively on a wall or in a window if, like me, you live in a city densely populated by moronic youths who would probably steal a fantastic pom pom wreath without a second thought, 'just for lolz'.
I hope you've enjoyed this christmas idea! It really is so easy to do and has quite a magical end result. You'd never know it used to be a crappy old hanger!
More tips coming up - gift ideas and gift wrap will be hot topics!
Mistletoe kisses!