Here's a bunch of other cool DIY Halloween Ideas from the blogosphere...
Katie from Katie's Beauty Blog did this amazing skull tutorial for Company Magazine - check it out on her blog or in this month's Company, obvz!
More skulls, this time in the form of Ella Masters' pretty mexican skull nails! She's done a fab tutorial over on her blog if all out Halloween make up ain't your bag...
Dexter inspired bloody cupcakes, anyone? Created by Sarah from A Million Dresses!
Pimp your pumpkin the classy way... Who needs knives when you have rhinestones?
Lily Pebbles and Gem from Gem's Maquillage did a frankly AWESOME tutorial for their corpse bride look!
Any excuse for cat nail art! Black cats are totes Halloweeny right?
I love how Kavita went ALL OUT with her skeleton look. Halloween is about looking creepy/scary/gross, not slutty (although I am seemingly the only girl in Canterbury with this opinion...)
More cupcake creepy/cuteness from Zoe from The London Lipgloss! Aww :)
Hope you've gotten a bit of inspiration from my little roundup post, and if you already celebrated at the weekend - SORRY for being fashionably late - bookmark it for next year ;)