Yo doodz!
I finally have a small window of time to post a blog, before setting off on our adventure! We are getting the Eurostar tomorrow at 11am, but are leaving Canterbury today at lunchtime to take Roxy to my mum's etc.
Soooo quick update, Wednesday's trip to London was fun. Disappointing on the purchase front though. I had a collective £105 worth of vouchers for Debenhams and Urban Outfitters and couldn't find anything I really liked in either! Gutting! So I ended up buying some bits in Primark and that as about it! The Debenhams Christmas Press Day was okay, not an awful lot to report. I'm not going to spam you with pictures of Christmas gifts on the eve of my Summer Holiday. It just doesn't feel right! I saw an insanely glittery set of Nails Inc festive polishes, so I may have to invest in them this Winter. Probably a lot less messy than my nail glitter Tues tip!
As for the holiday packing scenario, it's actually been okay. I bought quite a few new things for the holiday, as I have no idea what to expect! Paris is forecast as hot and a bit rainy, Madrid is forecast as roasting hot but stormy... Anyway, all of your advice on
Monday's post about how to keep cool in hot weather was so helpful. I haven't had time to respond to comments lately (I HATE when bloggers say that, but it really is true in this case. I want time to enjoy all of your posts, not rush through it and spam you with some half-assed 'lolz, love dat!' comment afterwards!) but I did read and enjoy each of them and add many of your suggestions to my shopping list. (Noteably my first ever Trilby hat!)
Here's a no-frills account of some of the stuff I've packed:
Casual daywear (boobtubes and vests with cycling shorts/denim shorts mainly) Oh, I found the trilby for £3 in the men's section of Primark. They only had Fuschia pink ones in the women's bit. It was a tough decision!
Slightly more interesting daywear!
Coverups - Stuff I can wear if it's a bit cooler or if I'm sunburnt and don't want to make it worse!
Some evening outfits... I realised I don't really have any 'nice' going-out-to-dinner clothes. Will just have to jazz up some of these outfits with heels or fake lashes!
Layering - None of night time weather is forecast at lower than 19 degrees, so I'm just packing light cardi's and a denim jacket. Might whack a waterproof in there if I remember!
Accessories - Some new sunnies from H&M and some cheapy new pendants from the Topshop sale (the 2 on the left).
Have also packed jeans, leopard leggings, normal leggings, some scarves, SPF30 suncream, my Topshop trainer heels for comfort, a few pairs of sandals and flats, books... and that's about it!
BTW, Sainsvbury's is HANDS DOWN the best value for suncream. Their own brand of spray suncream is only £3, compared to about £10 for Boots' and Superdrug's own stuff!
We're taking the mac on holiday, so providing the internet connection is all good, I will be able to blog from Madrid! So this isn't goodbye, it's more of a BBS! Although I've pretty much shown you my outfit posts for the week just now. Oops!
Au Revoir! ♥