[Remember that awesome Nintendo game Duck Hunt? SO good!]
I am trying to type but Roxy has decided to take up residence on my lap. Like so:

EDIT: I have just evicted her because it's impossible to babble at length with her on my lap! Bad luck, guys! :)
Here's a couple of pictures from Mine and Alex's walk to the river yesterday. We were on a mission to find the ducklings, which we eventually did! I have such a baby animal obsession. Is this weird? When Roxy had kittens it was THE most exciting time of my whole life. And I've done some pretty exciting things in my 23 years!
[Can you see the little duckbaby on the right eating the bit of bread someone had just chucked in at that second? So cute!]
Also, besides our stripping ho (scroll down in this post) of a neighbour, we now have a house full of rowdy students opposite us that like to stand out in the street being noisy all the time - especially at night when you have your window open because it's so hot. They have kept us awake about 6 nights in the last 10. They also park their car on the street even though it's double yellow lines. Essentially, we hate them. So when their friends parked outside our house on Monday night, literally obstructing our gate, it was the last straw for me.
I left this little beauty on their windscreen:
I know I'm a bit of a busybody, but I can't help myself. I just believe in the old fashioned values of respect! I actually believe I am a granny trapped in a young[ish] body. I have been known to note down the car license plate number of erratic drivers on the roads and report them to the local police. I KNOW this is completely lame, but I just get so mad at dangerous drivers. And noisy neighbours.
On this highly strung note, my neighbours will be pleased to know I started trying Bach Rescue Remedy Pastilles today, because life is stressing me out so much, and I'm pleased to say I've had a really nice day! I'm not in a state of constant anxiety. So this is good! I'm hoping they will help me relax on holiday too. Whenever I'm in another country I am convinced that anyone that looks at me will mug me and that our hotel will set on fire while we're sleeping. It's ridiculous! Well, that was the old me, hopefully with my herbal helpers I can quite literally take a chill pill!