Hey hey x
I've been having a cruddy couple of days. It must be the weather and not sleeping very well, but I've just been feeling really run down and unmotivated. I also checked my internet banking yesterday and it was minus LOADS, and I had no idea things had gotten so bad. Everything has just been a bit blah. (Please do check my shop if you want to help out my money scenario!!)
HOWEVER. Today has been good, I woke up feeling really bad and phoned work and told them I just couldn't face work today. So I spent the day sorting myself out. I temporarily sorted out the money situation thanks to Alex lending me some money to stop me getting charged by the bank, and I typed my entry to the ASOS Blogger competition. I'll post it on here if nothing happens, but for now I shall keep it under wraps. I'm really pleased with it. As much as I love blogging, writing an actual 900 word piece is totally different and you feel such a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Fingers crossed I win because the prize sounds super cool!
As I have no pictures for you, I'll do something I've been meaning to do for ages. Do you remember my magazine Gem Says? I wanted to spotlight the work that my illustrator friend, Sophie, did for the magazine. Semi inspired by something I saw in NEET magazine, I wanted to peg illustrated items onto a washing line and photograph it.
I sent Sophie the links to the items I wanted her to draw for me. She sent them back and they looked adorable, she really has such a lovely, simplistic style! Due to her own commitments, I ended up colouring the clothes in on Photoshop which was actually surprisingly easy and I'm really glad I learnt that I can do it! I then printed out the images and set to work in my garden!

Due to my overzealous photoshopping, the end result looks really digitized, I think. I don't think it shows that it is an actual still life shoot. But oh well. I still love it. So thanks Sophie!! ♥
Here's a 'behind the scenes' picture of the setup in my garden! I got lots of strange looks from passers by, and heard someone mutter something about 'modern art'. Ha!
Be sure to follow Sophie's blog to keep up with her little doodles and goings on!
I'll be back tomorrow after work with a pretty outfit to share.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend! x