Happy love day everyone :)
How's it been? Lovely? Depressing? Do share!
We've had a nice evening. Alex cooked his famous Spaghetti Bolognaise (I just looked at the word Bolognaise for so long it has lost all meaning... Hate when that happens!) and then we watched Come Dine With Me. We're having an interval so I can blog and he can erm, holler into his Xbox headset to his friends whilst shooting people, apparently. On the game, that is! Then we're reconvening to watch a movie! And that's my love day in a nutshell!

To honour this day of love, we wore his 'n' hers outfits. This is how we wore stripes and Vans:

(Tee - Next, Cardi - c/o A|Wear, Skirt - H&M)
Can you believe the state of Alex's Vans?! He stole them from his friend and toured the country in a band in them for a good few years. The rocking 'n' rolling has clearly taken its toll!
My shiny new Vans were kindly sent to me by Size. Most of their footwear is his 'n' hers friendly, as they are stocked from a size 4 all the way up to giant man sizes, which is rather neat. I'm hoping Alex will take a leaf out of my book and get some new Vans so I don't have to endure people's bemused stares at his feet in town anymore! Yes, he actually wears these out. In every sense!
It was lovely to read your various Valentines plans in the comments of my last post. Looks like a lot of people are having a chilled one like me and Alex! I don't think I've ever been out to dinner for Valentines... I imagine it'd be like being surrounded by people A) undressing each other with their eyes (possibly with under-table fondling) and/or B) going through the motions in their stale marriage and sitting in silence. Uncomfortable. And there you have the ponderings of a true hermit! Did any of you go out for dinner? Were any of my wild generalisations founded?
Back tomorrow for a Tuesday Tip! If it works, that is... I think I'll post it either way! Always handy to know what doesn't work, I guess!