Bon soir!
It's been a quiet old weekend on the blog, although I'm sure you were out having too much fun to notice my lack of blog postage!
I wish I could tell you I had some sort of mind blowing weekend to justify the laziness, but it's quite the opposite. My weekend was so uneventful it was almost comedic! Let me put it into perspective. 'Highlights' of the weekend included counting up my two pots of pennies, dishing out home remedies for cat cystitis to a Twitter follower, making Watercress Soup (Yummy, but I think I put a bit too much pepper in it), overdoing the Wii Fit, re-organising my wardrobe and giving 3 bin bags of clothes to a charity shop. I do love weekends like that though. It's nice to just potter about doing jobs here and there! Alex & I also watched Due Date which had some funny moments!
My pennies amounted to £22 which was pretty wild! I decided to use some pennies to buy a few lines on the Lotto. I figured I'd have the power of irony on my side, so might've won some money. I'd planned out the headlines and everything... 'Kentish pauper turns pennies into millions!' Alas, we only got one number. I tore the ticket in half in a fit of rage. I just want to be slightly rich! Is this too much to ask?!
Anywho, I'm not a total hermit, I did go out for drinks with my Topshop posse on Thursday night which was fantastic. I didn't get any decent pictures because I'd drunk too many Pig Fuckers (the unfortunately named bargain cocktail of choice!) so was too busy rabbiting on about nothing to take pics. Well actually, I only had about 3 all night, but they are so fruity and lovely, you just don't realise how much booze is in them! And it doesn't help that I'm a massive lightweight!
Here are some pics from these recent hijinx:
These are the nails I've been rocking lately. I used my gorgeous Top Turquoise Models Own nail polish (in my top 5 polishes of all time), and my white Models Own/Wah Nails pen.
And here's what I wore to uni today:

(Tee - Wallpaper Rose, Skirt - H&M, Socks - Topshop, Boots - Chazza shop, Clocklace - Urban Outfitters)
It was a verrry long day of watching everyone's presentation's of their Final Major Project concepts. My head is killing me after staring at the screen all day. And my bod is on fire from the Wii Fit session too. I always forget to cool down until it's too late! You know it's definitely too late when you can't pull your tights up because of the pain. All in all I'm in the wars today, so shall be spending the rest of the night curled up in a moaning ball watching TV with Alex!
I have a hefty to-blog list for the next week. But also a jam-packed schedule of nights out (well, one!) and going home to see the family. But I will do my best because I have a new Naughty Step perpetrator to share with you all, and hopefully the return of a weekly feature of mine...
Back tomorrow!