Last night, after a spot of aggro with the jobsworth tosspot at the train station who made me miss my train (forcing me to buy a ticket then and there, even though train was on the platform*!!), I arrived (late) to the VoucherCodes 'Fashion Revolution' party at the swanky Soho Hotel. It was basically an excuse for bloggers and journalists (and Hannah Ashworth from Hollyoaks, apparently!) to hang out and get merry. And take embarrassing photobooth pictures! More on that in a tick...
Here's what I wore. The pictures were taken at about midnight when I got back to Canterbury:

(New Topshop dress, Topshop jacket, H&M belt, Charity shop boots, 17 lippie in Showbiz, fittingly!)
I saw some familiar faces (Winnie, Kristabel, MJ, Jazzabell, Alice, Miss Woo, Fritha, Sherin) and some new ones too (Elisabeth, Jackie, Clara and Harriet!). I have probably forgotten people too, as I have the worst memory ever. Because I was late I only had about an hour to chat to people, as there was a screening of Marie Antoinette at the event at 8pm. Bloggy events can often be a bit frustrating as there's never enough time to chat to everyone that you want to. Someone NEEDS to organise some sort of blogger speed-dating so everyone has the chance to meet each other! If I had an organised bone in my bod, I'd do it! Any takers?
Well, I suppose I'd better share the ridiculous photo booth picture as I know they'll turn up somewhere else... I got a bit rained on on the way there, so my hair was doing a convincing impression of... something very scruffy and mop like, which was just great! Oh, and if it looks like I've hogged the limelight, there was no screen to judge where to stand, so my mop has unintentionally obscured Miss Woo and her pal!

The last pic is the debut of my lesser-seen (on here, at least) talent for pulling crazy faces! A gift Kristabel clearly possesses too!
All in all, It was a really funny night, and lovely as ever to have a chance to hang out with other bloggers.
True to form, it wasn't long before the glamour of an evening schmoozing with bloggers and journos wore off and I was on the train eating a smoked salmon salad on the train with my bare hands. I'm not a neanderthal... I was just unlucky enough to buy a salad that didn't come with a fork!
I always seem to end up in some ridiculously juxtaposing situation at/after events like this. I don't think I told you about the time I went to the Tea & Cake PR press day and dropped my cupcake on the floor, and then tipped my Malibu and Coke on the floor whilst bending down to pick up the cake. A double whammy of shame! The room literally fell silent. I made a swift exit and spent the rest of the night in a sticky icing stained dress, smelling faintly of Malibu.
Love, your pal, the village idiot of fashionsville.
* - After he made me buy the ticket, I got through the gates only for the train to pull away as I was pressing the button. I was SO angry, I stormed out of the station and said, 'I hope you're happy, you jobsworth pr**k' to the old sod. Very out of character, please believe me, but he was just so smug. GRRR.