I decided to make my own the other day out of paper and a bit of pretty fabric. My little sister Shannon was coming over for her 17th birthday (hence the '17' on the bunting!) so it all kind of tied in with the festive theme.
You know I hate sewing machines and generally making an effort, so I found my own lazy route to Buntingsville. The nice thing about this tutorial is that you can use scraps of pretty paper and fabric that are too small to do anything else with and destined for the bin. Eco brownie points!
(Bicycle and blue floral paper - Paperchase, red floral fabric offcut - C&H, brown paper - Topshop packaging. Lol.)
You will need:
- Thin cardboard (eg. Pizza box) to make a template
- Pretty paper / magazine cuttings / fabric
- Hole puncher
- String / Ribbon
♥ Make a template out of cardboard.
♥ Prep your paper. If it's all curled up or creased, use your hair straighteners to iron it. Gotta love using straighteners as an iron.
♥ Trace around your template and cut out out all of your pieces.
(EDIT: Yona just added a great tip in the comments section. "So that the fabric triangles don't fray you can add a little bit of hairspray on the back (in case it's too shiny so that it won't show). It's a lot quicker than clear nail polish". What a fab idea!)
You have reached the final destination of your journey: Buntingsville!
The other benefit of this easy peasy technique is that you can change your design at any time in the future, unlike if we'd glued it onto the string. For example, if you want to make it birthday themed like I did, whack a couple of numbered triangles on there. When the birthday's over, whack a couple of patterned triangles back on.
So there you have it. I'm seriously loving the bunting (it's still up in the lounge - 17's in tact - oops!).
I can just tell I'm going to become the type of freak that irons out all of their gift wrap after birthdays to reuse it!
I can just tell I'm going to become the type of freak that irons out all of their gift wrap after birthdays to reuse it!
What do you think of this week's tip?
I have loads of lovely home-y ones to share at the moment. More on that next week!
Big ♥