Warung Bebas

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday tip: tin lanterns!

Happy Tuesday everyone! 

I handed my FMP in today and it is such a weight off my shoulders. Although, after 2 all-nighters in a row, I am feeling decidedly dead. We're going for dinner with Alex's parents tonight which is giving me the will to survive. I have had a few hours sleep now so hopefully I won't fall asleep in my dinner!

This is the first in a series of tin crafts I've been loving lately! I first saw this tip here, and was so surprised at how simple it was! To think of all the tins I've chucked in the bin without knowing their adorable lantern potential! I never have money to jazz up the flat so I do love free and easy ideas like this to add a bit of character.

You will need

A tin, a freezer, a hammer and a nail (although I don't have either so I improvised with a skewer and a boot - it worked like a charm!)

Start by washing out a tin, peeling off the sticker and washing off the glue.

Fill it up with water, and bung it in the freezer for a few hours.

Pen on a design, take your nail (/skewer) and hammer (/boot) and start punching holes along the lines. Rest the tin on a towel whilst doing this to keep it steady.

Leave to thaw, bung a tealight in it, and you're good to go!

My heart went a bit wonky at the end, but I love it all the same. You can paint your tin too, but I'm not sure what paint would work best (if you have any idea, speak now or forever hold your peace!)

This makes a cute decoration for  a special occasion too. I punched '17' into a tin when we had a little birthday celebration for my sister a few weeks ago. I envisage a christmas tree looking sweet too! 

I'm off for a long bath and to plan getting back to normality! Bye bye deadline diet of sugary drinks, cookies and crisps. Hello healthy regime and maybe running... And hello regular blog posts!

I've missed you!

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