Warung Bebas

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby it's fact!

A trillion months ago, I was given the 'Gorgeous Blogger Award' by both Rachel from I ♥ That and Fritha Louise from The Fish Tank. Thank you so much, girls and sorry for the beyond belated response! The rules state that I must now tell you 7 interesting things about myself. So here are some fun and not-so-fun facts about me!

1. I have 'Hyper Mobility Syndrome'
This pointless condition basically means my joints are really flexible, and not even in a cool way like 'I can do the splits!' I just have really bendy hands and arms! Bizarre!

2. I watch everything with subtitles
I have to watch everything with subtitles (films and tv shows). I don't know why, but it just helps me concentrate better. Luckily my boyfriend is the same way (what are the chances?)! I've done it since I was young and I think it's why I'm really good at spelling, because I don't just watch the TV, I read the TV too! I've actually thought about being a subtitler (is that a word?) before because I think I'd be good at it. My pet hate is spelling/grammar errors on subtitles! Whoever does the Hollyoaks ones must be drunk on the job, I'm sure of it.

3. I survived a crash with a double lorry on the M25
A few years ago, I was going to see Blink 182 with my ex, my brother, his girlfriend and my mum (she loves Blink!) The lorry in the lane to the left of us started to indicate and my mum realised we were in his blind spot and he couldn't see us. She sped up to get out of his path because he was going to crush us against the central reservation, but we didn't quite speed up in time. The lorry clipped the back of our car and spun us round so we were stuck to the front of it and shunted us up the motorway for a few hundred yards before finally stopping. The car was written off, but we were all unharmed (physically). Since that day, I believe in guardian angels. The police said it was a miracle we were all fine. I lost my dad and all my grandparents when I was younger, so it's nice to feel like they are protecting me. And since that day, I truly believe they are.

4. I used to LOVE S club 7!
I used to totally obsess over these guys, and got to meet them when I was about 11, which was basically a dream come true, haha! I cringe a bit now, but they had some wicked songs, don't deny it!

5. Hand cream is my religion.
I am a hand cream addict. I'm using one by Dove at the moment and it gets a big thumbs up!

6. Eff Fashion... I want to be a zookeeper!
Well, not quite. Although I'm studying to be a Fashion Journalist, a career with animals is where my heart lies. I'm t0o squeamish to be a vet (trust me, I did work placement at a vets surgery *shudder*.) but I'd love to invent a Cat Hotel or something. A five, no, SIX star cat boarding place. It would be so cool! I think I'll save that dream until I've retired or have had children and fancy an easier life. Until then, fashion is my plan B!

7. I am very broody.
I have been so broody for a couple of years now. There's no way I'll have a baby yet, I'm a firm believer in making some cash first before I start making babies. I've been with Alex almost 5 years and we talk about babies quite a lot, which is lovely. If the stereotype is correct, most guys would run for the hills at the slightest mention of babies! I want a baby girl and I'm going to call her Poppy. I really don't want a boy so if that happens, I'll probably just switch it with someone else's baby. Ha! I'm joking! If my firstborn is a boy, I am coming back to delete this post!

So there we go... That's me... I feel all naked now!! Can you please tell me 1 interesting thing about you to redress the balance here?

Love ♥

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