Warung Bebas

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Slouchy Sunday

So... I pretty much lost all self respect on the snack front last night. I had my friend Jen over and we had a little sleepover, which was great fun. Unfortunately it was a double-edged sword, as I did manage to demolish a HUGE bag of Doritos, some Rhubarb crumble, Mini Eggs (my biggest weakness!), AND a Cheese toastie! We were drinking 'Cheeky Vimto' too (a mix of Port & WKD - but we ad-libbed and used fizzy Vimto and Port instead!). I think my calories must've exceeded 3000 yesterday. Shameful!

I am trying to lose a bit of weight at the moment (not a silly amount or anything but I've been carrying an extra stone or so, ever since I moved in with Alex a couple of years ago! Too many snack-filled nights in front of the TV..!) I'm going to start over tomorrow and get back on the straight and narrow. I took some positive steps last week... I bought a hula hoop and a sports bra! I'm very good at preparing to get fit, not so good at actually doing it! :)

Anywho, enough about my lardy lifestyle! Here's what I wore to disguise my post-binge bloating today! This nice baggy batwing top from h&m was just the ticket!

( Shoes - Lillywhites via charity shop, Jeans - Topshop, 'Clocket' - Urban Outfitters, Scarf - vintage )

As I mentioned in my last post, Alex has been away this weekend. I'm not a naturally tidy person (understatement alert) and I do kind of rely on him to keep me in check when it comes to keeping the flat tidy. But without him here, this little situation has arisen in the bedroom! Not to mention more clothes all over the bed! So when I post this, I am going to have to force the domestic goddess out of myself and sort it out! Eurgh... As soon as I'm earning enough money, I'm hiring a cleaner!

Have you had a nice weekend?!


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