Hey all, hope you had a lovely weekend! Mine was average... I watched An Education on Saturday night. I wasn't bowled over by it... I didn't like the main character Jenny at all. Visually, I really liked the film. I do love 60s style. If I could go back to any era, the 60s would probably be it!
Speaking of 60s style, I've come across some fabulous modette looking things on my various charity shop trawls lately.
Firstly, this lovely wool jacket with checked lining. I am quite into the androgynous look at the moment so I've been teaming it with jeans and flats as opposed to skirts or dresses.

Secondly, I found this adorable leather weekend bag today for... £1!!! I found it in The Hospice Shop, Canterbury's only charity shop that hasn't realised how 'in' it is and therefore increased the prices 500% (SO annoying. Who in their right mind is going to pay £4.50 for a grotty old t-shirt from Primark?!)

I had a little rummage in the pockets, hoping to find a £50 note (naturally), and instead found a key for the bag's lock, attached to a little hand-stamped label. My first thought was 'how cute!'. My second thought was, 'Wow, that's actually pretty damn useful!' I'm always hyper-stressed about pick pockets etc when I'm travelling... Not anymore!

Have you found any charity shop bargains lately??
Ooh, by the way, I also picked up some important ingredients for tomorrow's Tuesday Tips DIY in the charity shop! Watch this space...