Warung Bebas

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Tips!

Hey hey!

Long time no type! I went to stay with my mum and sister by the sea for a couple of days and had a lovely time! I trooped round the 20-or-so charity shops Bexhill has to offer yesterday but only managed to find one cool thing (a button up wool jacket - pics tomorrow perhaps!)

So I thought it might be fun to have a bit of routine to the blog, so welcome to my new feature - Tuesday tips! Every Tuesday I will share with you either a DIY or hair/beauty tip. Today I couldn't decide which to share, so as an introductory offer, you shall receive a DIY and beauty tip!

Tip 1. From Camel-toe to Crop-top in 1 snip!

This is a pretty madcap DIY tutorial, but may be of interest to someone! I've had this strange and immensely high legged swimsuit that I found in a charity shop knocking around for a couple of years. I never wear it because of discomfort issues, so recently had the brainwave to turn it into a crop. I snipped across the crotch, put it on over a bra, and folded the pointy material back on itself, tucking it in my bra! I know it sounds bizarre, but it saves hemming it, and if you cut straight across in the first place the material might go all rolled up and crap. So if you spot any vintage swimwear with potential, give it a go!

Tip 2. The slightly trampy guide to wearing the finest foundation - for free!
It takes a lot of guts to admit this to you guys because it is pretty shameful! But these services are a dream for poor students like myself! Here goes...The Christmas before last, I decided I'd invest my Christmas money in a quality foundation. Off I went to Fenwick's, where I hit the Mac counter. I was umm-ing and ahh-ing over their Studio Fix foundation, because it looked good but I wasn't sure whether it would disappear after an hour or so. I mentioned my quandary to the sales assistant, and she proceeded to fill up a little pot of it for me to test at home. For free! It lasted me about 4 weeks!

I wasn't convinced by that foundation in the end, but read that Lancome do a good one. So I went to Debenham's. The same thing happened there! They filled a little bottle up for me because I was unsure whether it would irritate my skin because it was a full coverage foundation. From that point, whenever my freebie was running low and I happened to be in a different town, I'd hit the Mac/Lancome counter feigning uncertainty! I'm not proud of this, but for the first time in my life I was using top-notch foundation and not even having to pay a penny! I survived for about a year doing this, then I started feeling a bit guilty. Anyway, the foundations weren't perfect enough for me to commit to spending £20+ them otherwise I would've (honest!).

I'm on the straight and narrow these days, enjoying a Barry M foundation I actually paid money for. But I thought I'd share my tip for those that don't know that you can try out these pricey foundations for free! Whether you choose to exploit the system like I did is entirely up to you. I'm not here to judge! And I hope you aren't either..!

I hope you enjoyed my Tuesday tips! I'm off to watch the last half of Avatar with Alex. We started it last night and I'm loving it! I have a really bad headache though so might end up switching it off. :(



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