Alex and I went to Whitstable with his parents today. I love Whitstable, it's where I spent my birthday. I didn't take many pics because it was raining a lot of the time and I didn't want to damage my cam! I have quickly edited these in Picnik, trying out different levels of sepia and vignette, so excuse the inconsistency! Feel free to tell me which effect you like best or give me any Picnik pointers!
Here's what I wore:

Here's what I saw:
Woolly Bicycles outside a cute indie/DIY type gift shop!!

Flower filled ornamental bike and a floral wheelie bin! Too cute!

Here's what I bought:

(Address book and 5 packs of Frosties for us and our friends to scoff during Big Brother tonight!)
Oh and here's my new mobile phone! It's a Nokia C6. I'd been holding out for the Xperia Mini Pro (it's adorbs) but the T-mobile lady cajoled me into getting this one instead because the Xperia got recalled due to signal probs... I'm disappointed I didn't get the phone I truly wanted but I've been making it mine all evening with apps and things. I love the keyboard on it. I'll be a tweet and text machine! So I guess that's all that matters.

Off for my nightly date with Big brother! Hope you're having a lovely Friday night!