Hi gang!
I am home sweet home now, after my lovely holiday to Madrid and Paris. I was hoping to share some pics with you and a Tuesday tip but I have come down with one of my wretched headaches and am going to have to pull a sickie on Tues Tips today! I went to the doc's about my headaches yesterday but they remain a mystery! Going to try and get my eyes tested this week to see if that could be the problem... I've secretly always wanted to be a specs-wearer, so fingers crossed my eyes are deformed! That definitely sounded more normal in my head than it looks typed out...
So I'll spare you the holiday spam for now, and point you in the direction of the ASOS Battle of the Bloggers. I sent them my entry (a 900 word article) the other week, and found out this morning I'm one of the 10 finalists! I have been in the lead votes-wise most of today, but it looks like it might be short-lived, so please vote for me if you like my article. I had the most fun writing it. I'd had the day off sick from work because I was super stressed out and writing the article really took my mind off things, and made me realise I definitely want to be a writer in some capacity. I never imagined I'd end up in the top ten, as I decided to take a gamble on my subject matter (you'll have to read it and find out what I'm harping on about!), but I'm glad the judges 'got' it and put me through :)
I don't expect to win, it's just an honour to have reached the final 10, and realising what I want to do with my life in the process is enough of a prize for me! But still, I wouldn't say no to a free Netbook and blogging channel on ASOS! ;)
Not sure what will happen. There's been talk of foul play with the voting system (if you empty cookies, you can keep voting apparently), so I'm going to see if ASOS can remove the 'view results' option so people can't try and cheat the system if they aren't in the lead. I just think the best writer should win, whoever that may be.
Back tomorrow with my holiday goss!!
Oh okay, I'll share a quick picture just to wet your whistle. Guess what the French term for 'Stamps' is?!
Infinite LOLZ!!!
I really need to grow up.. :)