Warung Bebas

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wardrobe wake up: Day 6!

Morning all!

How's your weekend going?

I had my friend Katie over, who I haven't seen in 8 months, so that was lovely. We did some shopping (well, I played personal shopper to Katie as I had no pennies of my own!) and had a gorgeous lunch at Boho café in town. Then Katie went home and Alex and I watched X Factor... Erm, LET DOWN! I couldn't get over the autotune they'd used in post production to try and make the contestants sound better! It was so blatant. I think they're going to get in quite hot water for trying to deceive us viewers! If you liked last night's X Factor, you'll love this... (even if you didn't, just click the link. Watch bottom video first!)

I tried to do head to toe polka dots yesterday, but I am not sure I'm feeling it. Some of my favourite spotty things are in the laundry basket, so I was a bit limited. But I do quite like how it's a bit 'wacky' but quite subtle.

Even when my outfits haven't looked that good this week, I'm still glad I've been trying them out. It is still more interesting that sticking on an h&m t-shirt and denim shorts! I've got something special planned for today's look, so I need to go and get on with sorting that out... All will be revealed!

Oh yeah, I tried to ombre my nails last night, inspired by Kylie from Nice & Shiny. I tried to do it a few weeks ago using this tutorial but it didn't work. I tried it again last night though and it did work better, but is by no means perfect! Will finetune the method and if I can work out how to do it perfectly, I'll do a tutorial for it.

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