Thanks for all your lovely feedback on the latest Tuesday tip! I'm looking forward to getting messy in my future Kitchen Cosmetic quests! Do keep your suggestions coming!
Anywho, I've been in quite a frocky mood recently. Pretty dresses keep catching my eye, and to my surprise it's the ones with longer hems that I've been purchasing. My dresses have always been mini, except for my latest forays into maxi territory, but lately I've been lured in by the inbetweeners. (NOT to be confused for the TV show. That went right over my head!)
I think I'm really enjoying the simplicity that comes with wearing just the one layer. All my other dresses require leggings!
This is the one I found today in a charity shop. It was a fiver, which is more than I usually spend on charity shop items, especially seeing as this one is only 'vintage' Debenhams. But it was so perfect for my body shape. Covers up the jiggly arms and jelly belly, and displays the boobs in a non-slaggy way! Plus it makes me feel quite grown up and mumsy which I secretly love (I am super duper broody!)
This jolly little number was found in the back of a vintage shop in Paris in the 1 Euro box! Yes, this dress set me back about 90p! It's a bit mad but it's really grown on me.
Not bad for a total spend of £5.90ish! I bloody love a good bargain! Have you found any lately?
Hope you've had a lovely day! I'm off to watch Big Brother (as ever). Did you know Sam Pepper is from near me? My pal Jen went to college with him! I've never met him but I think he's cute as a button. Sammy to win!