If you caught my post yesterday, you'll have witnessed the exact moment I decided to challenge myself to make more of an effort with my outfits. Every day this week, I'm going to dress in a different style, using only the clothes I currently have. I feel like I wear the same type outfits, day in day out, so I really want to wake up my wardrobe and start wearing more of it! I think this will be quite a hard challenge because very recently I chucked loads of clothes away or up in the loft. So I don't actually have many clothes to hand! But I'm going to give it a go anyway :)
Today I went for a flirty 50's look. It put such a spring in my step at work being all dressed up, and I had a really nice day as a result!

(playsuit - miss selfridge, belt - new look, cardi - primark, pumps - primark)
Im trying to think of what to wear tomorrow... perhaps sporty... but I really would be scraping the barrel, wardrobe-wise! Do comment me any style suggestions and I will raid the wardrobe and see what I can create!
PS - Just noticed I'm a kitten's whisker away from 600 followers! Bloody heck! Thanks so much to all of you that follow the blog. I think you're quite literally the shit... Just realised that's actually an insult. You're just awesome, okay? x