Morning all!
Thanks for your entries to the giveaways so far! Can't wait to find out who the luck winners are :)
This is the penultimate day of giveaway week. It was only going to be Mon-Fri, but I snuck in a cheeky extra day! This is the last giveaway that most of you can enter, as tomorrow's one isn't something I can mail out. It's more of a fixed-location affair!
Today's giveaway comes from the fabulous Bertie. Bertie weren't on my radar until I saw all of the posts on their recent blogger event. After checking out their website, I was kicking myself I'd missed out on their fierce footwear for so long! Just goes to show that blog marketing is indeed effective in spreading the word about a brand! (Can you tell I'm at uni right now?)
Anyway, Bertie are offering one of you lucky 'soles' a brown pair of their gorgeous Nivea boots, worth £125. If there was a boot that could sum up A/W 2010, it would have to be these. I am frankly insanely jealous of you all for having a chance to win these! Don't be surprised if a Fem Gatale wins this competition... ;)

♥ ONLY FOLLOWERS CAN ENTER! I will be checking...
♥ Comment anything you like to enter
♥ Tweet or blog about my competition for an extra entry. Post a separate comment letting me know you've done it. You get an extra entry per tweet/blog mention, so go nuts. Just make sure you're commenting each time.
♥ Leave me a contact email if you're not a blogger/tweeter.
♥ Not open internationally.
A winner will be selected at random using a random number generator (this is why separate comments are vital!) on Sunday 24th October (Subject to change - I might extend the giveaways a bit!)