No giveaways today, I'm afraid. The freebie sluttery has come to an end! Will be announcing winners in the next day or two. Excitement!
I am off uni for the next few days, preparing for a big presentation on Thursday. So, besides my shift at Topshop tomorrow from 12-4, my life will be uni-work mania for the next few days! As usual, I am rather behind. I'm trying hard to catch up with all my research so any sign of my laziness is undetectable at my presentation..
I got this gruelling week off to a fairly relaxed start today. After a spot of dissertation reading, I met my friend Jen for a Pizza Hut buffet. I actually didn't overdo it, which was a turn up for the books! After the slight feast, I bought some bits in town, came home and took pictures of Roxy being gorgeous, then cracked on with my project.
I picked up this old C&A fur coat for £6 in a charity shop. It's a bit oversized but I think I like it. I've been on the hunt for a winter coat and this appeals to me much more than any of the more structured affairs I've been seeing on the high street.
I took advantage of the Holland & Barratt 'buy one get one half price' offer and got some Ginkgo Biloba to help me focus on uni work (I'll pretty much take all the help I can get). I saw these little homeopathy tablets for Brittle nails (and falling hair, which sounds a bit scary) and thought I'd give them a go too! My nails are in a right state.
This is my Poundland loot! It consists of a Sally Hansen nail polish remover spongey tub thing (does that make any sense at all?), a Revlon topcoat which has received rave reviews, a Revlon 'drying oil' that apparently makes your nail polish dry super quickly. Sounds awesome to me! Last and indeed least, a Sally Hansen orange lipstick that is rubbish and doesn't suit me. Oh well, you can't win 'em all!
Roxy looking a bit serious, but gorge nevertheless:
I'm going to paint my nails now, using my new Poundland goodies! I'll let you know if any of it is amazing! Then we're watching an episode of The Wire. We're on Season 3 now. Loving it!