Warung Bebas

Monday, October 11, 2010

Camel woe

*There is no camel related woefulness in this post, I just wanted an excuse to rhyme the title with camel toe. I really ought to start acting my age...


I'm writing to you from my pit of headache gloom that I seem to be dwelling in quite often these days. Might go and get my eyes re-tested and see if my specs have the right lenses in. Also may try drinking some water for a change instead of coffee and cola!

On the bright side, I accidentally won an Eyeko competition! I made the most commission in the last week, thanks to a few of you lovely souls using my special code, and have won a new touch screen iPod nano! If any of you don't know about this code fandango, basically you enter my Ambassador code 'E11298' at the checkout to get a freebie. And I get 15% of whatever you've spent. Win win!

So, I went to return something at work yesterday but the receipt had run out so I exchanged it for this lovely camel t-shirt that has been selling like hot cakes lately. This isn't usually a key selling point for me, but it looks so nice on other people that I couldn't resist it! It's also a cheap way for me to try the camel trend without chucking £90 at a coat.

I teamed it with black skinnies, which I haven't worn in yonks. I saw someone in town wearing a tee and black skinnies yesterday and it reminded me how understatedly cool they can look. So out of hibernation mine came! I also wore my leopard flats as they have a hint of camel in them, and put a bit of my 17 brown eyeshadow on. A head to toe camel affair! Yikes, nearly another camel toe reference there!

(tee - Topshop, jeans - Topshop, flats - Primark, necklace - H&M)

Gogo Philip sent me this super cute necklace today. I've decided to make it my go-to necklace as a lucky charm for my dreaded uni work right now. I hope I can make that situation OK... I'm counting on you, Gogo Philip! (No pressure!)

I'm off for some Cottage Pie and a night balancing TV and dissertation reading. My dissertation is going down the subcultures road now. How clothes meanings can change over time. Eg. Hardcore punks wearing skinny jeans in the seventies and then goons like me buying them in Topshop 30 years later! FML...

Hope you have a delicious night,

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