*Holy Moly, my last post was my 400th! Here's to another 400! (I can hear your groans from here!) ♥*
Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week. I had a hideous uni presentation to prepare for, so I fell off the radar for a bit there! I'm definitely struggling with being back at uni. It's my third year but I'm finding it so hard to motivate myself to do any of the work, even though I know how important this year is. I have an unexpected day off work today so I'm going to start work on my dissertation like a good scholar.
So, onto nicer things. I got my student loan through at last so have been able to treat myself to a few new things. All my horoscopes are telling me to be careful with my money so I've got a strictly-bargains policy going on at the moment. Just for a change..!
I had a little cosmetics spend-up. I wanted to buy some brown eyeshadow (not sure it suits me yet though), so took advantage on the 3 for 2 and picked up a mascara and face powder too. I also got the Rimmel matte topcoat all the bloggers are banging on about. Review coming soon!
I found these elegant little M&S 'heels' in my favourite local charity shop for a fiver. I need something to snap me out of my desert boot dependency, so maybe these are the cure. I like how they're cuter than flats, but the heel is so small it won't cripple me after an hour. Plus they aren't fugly like kitten heels. Score!!
This cosy (and on trend!) shearling little number was in the Primark sale for £4. I'm wrapped up warm in it as we speak. Lovely!
And I didn't buy this, but let's ogle it anyway. It's a gift from my friend Hannah, who shares my love of Paperchase goods! I'm only writing the most important of notes in this book. I don't want to waste it!
Have you had any good bargains lately?
I'm off to stick my head in some books. VOM.