I accidentally figured out how to curl my hair the other day. I had bought some little velcro rollers for 98p from Wilkinsons to give my hair a bit more lift, and when I took them out I had a full on Rihanna style curly mohawk! I chickened out of wearing my hair like it all day, but today I plucked up the courage to embrace my inner RiRi.
It's been a learning curve... It kept flopping down a bit like Elvis' hairdo, which wasn't the look I was going for, but on the bright side it was amazing not to have to keep fiddling with my fringe (and battling GFS). I think I need to find an epic hairspray to combat the droop and then I'll be set. Any recommendations? It's so nice to have a change of hairstyle but I can't work out if I look a bit ridiculous. What do you reckon? (Anons, be gentle with me!)

(top - h&m, shorts - mutilated gap skinnies, leopard flats - primark, necklace - courtesy of gogo philip)
I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of our friends Martin and Jen, as we're getting a Pizza Hut takeaway tonight. It's 50% off when you spend over £30 at the moment. Well, the voucher I found says so! This does fly in the face of my never ending (failed) mission to have a healthier lifestyle. But I'm going to bunk uni and enquire about Yoga classes tomorrow to see if that might help me improve my posture and chill out a bit generally. Especially seeing as this was brought to my attention earlier! It analyses your tweets and does a personality profile on you... The truth hurts a bit!
What are your plans this evening?