So, one week until my dissertation is handed in! Whether it will be finished is another matter, but at this point I just want it out of my life! I had my last tutorial for it today and my tutor said some lovely lovely things (my writing style was 'perfect', appaz!), so I'm feeling quite confident about it now. I stayed up until 4.30am on it this morning. I find I work easier throughout the night and having a lie in than waking up early to do work. Jeremy Kyle and This Morning are always too distracting!
So, these are the bargains I picked up at Urban Outfitters last week. They were both a tenner, down from a collective price of £150-ish! The blue playsuit is a tad risque for me, as it is a bit of a bra flasher, but it doesn't really show in real life. I'll probably wear something under it anyway... I'm not sure parading a doughy, white midriff it is ever an appropriate style decision! And the leopard dress needs a bit of taking in, as it's a size large, but I really like it. Thinking I need to chillax on the leopard print front for a while now... It's becoming the sole criterion I look for in a garment!

I'm going to go and chill for a bit now. I have the weekend off work so I will be cracking on with uni work big time, but for tonight I am going to sort out my SHAMEFUL nails (chipped grey polish and various lengths!) and watch 'Dinner for Shmucks' with the boyf. (EDIT: Alex has just seen me type that and has informed me he doesn't want to watch it with me now, because I shouted at him for trying to talk to me whilst I was blogging. It was his own fault!)
Thanks for all your kind comments wishing me luck with the diss. Much appreciated! Good luck to anyone else that has deadlines looming, there seems to be a lot of it about! ♥