I'm feeling pretty psyched about 2011, I have to say!
We had a fabulous NYE with our buddies from Brighton, Dan and Danielle (yes, they are a couple with essentially the same name)!
We drunk Amaretto (and beer), played with the cat a lot and generally laughed our heads off. I also got my nail art stuff out and introduced Danielle to leopard nails! She LOVED them. We stayed up til about 4, and were all so glad we hadn't ended up in a pub or something. A pub was our plan B, because our downstairs neighbours had planned a party and we were going to bugger off out if the noise was too intrusive. But the party was over by 10! I think they went out on the town instead. I'm sure that's fun for a lot of people, but for me, nothing beats chilling out in your slippers, drinking cheap booze and having lolz with friends.

Here's my latest nail look, by the way! They were hard to photograph because of all the bling! Dreading trying to remove the rhinestones :| (I used Models Own Top Turquoise, MO Juicy Jules and my amazeballs new Seche Vite top coat).
The bloody ridiculous cat tunnel I bought Roxy for £2.25 (reduced) in Pets at Home. Yes, they're Santa's pants.
I had to share this very blurry photo of Roxy trying to reach the bird feeder outside! What a rascal!

Me on one of our little fold up travel mattresses! We only have a 2 seater sofa, so guests always pose a bit of a seating problem!

Dan's jokes putting Alex to sleep!
And then today, we got up at about half 11 and went for a Wetherspoon's lunch. Danielle looked fab in her original 60s cape (a gift from her in-laws). I wore a car boot sale sailboat tee, a Gogo Philip pendant and Topshop skinnies/jacket.

After lunch, we wandered round town and I bought some lovely little bits in the Paperchase sale (insane reductions on the christmas decs, stock up for next year, people!)
All in all, a lovely 24 hours!
What did you lot get up to??