(I hit 1400 followers today!! Firstly, Omgeeeez. Secondly, thank you all so much! xxxx)
On Wednesday, Alex & I went to Brighton to see our buds Dan and Danielle (the ones we had round on New Year's Eve). We went round town in the day (I bought a few bits which I'm saving for a later post) and then went back to their STUNNING flat to watch films, listen to music, and do some nail art! Yep, pretty much a similar night to the one in my New Year's Eve post!
I kept telling Danielle she needs to be an interior designer. My pictures don't do the flat justice (a lot of them didn't come out well... I am incapable of taking a picture that is both straight and in-focus!) but it is a total dream and I have pre-booked Danielle to help me out when we can afford to furnish our own place some day!
Their flat has definitely inspired me to make a new resolution. I really want to become house proud this year. I am a literal slut when it comes to household matters. My side of the bedroom (and sofa for that matter) is just shambolic! MUST sort myself out this year. For the sake of my relationship! Alex regularly despairs of my ways...
Anyway, here's some pics of Wednesday night:
Tipple of choice:
Danielle in her lovely kitsch-en!
The Krispy Kreme shrine! It only worked out as £2.50 each for 3 doughnuts of our choice. Amazing.
A slightly zoomed out version of the last pic, so you can appreciate the pretty kitchen wall!
I love the little birds clipped on the kitchen lamp!
More retro kitchen cuteness:
Sitting down to a Krispy feast and some nail art. This is just a fraction of my ever growing Models Own nail polish collection!
The boys' music of choice:
I loved the nesting Beatles dolls:
Hungry Maggy:
Danielle's nails after a layer of Eyeko's Rain polish. It's a gorgeous powder blue shade.
After receiving the leopard treatment from my Model's Own black & white nail pens:
Maggy is an avid TV watcher, apparently, and got extremely curious when we watched a programme about cats!
An outfit picture taken right after we got home from Brighton, as I was going straight out with my Topshop pals. You can see my new hair better than in my last post! I like it a lot more now since I chopped some more of my fringe off. Excuse the accidental poofy bit on the right!
(Jumpsuit - H! by Henry Holland, Belt - H&M, Cardi - Primark via boyfriend, Boots - Charity shop)
And breeeeeathe!
I have had such a fun week of seeing friends etc. But now, I need to crack on with my dissertation in a big way! Not fun. I attempted to do some of it today but was feeling too out of it after an unexpectedly boozy night with the Topshop crew. I'm working this weekend but will try and spend my evenings making some progress on the dreaded diss'.
Hope you've all had a lovely week! Any fun weekend plans??