What a sweet thing to find in my inbox this morning:
Jazz, from Jazz Loves You More sketched my last outfit post! She sent me a truly sweet email to accompany the picture and got my day off to a happy start :)

Jazz's kind email reminded me how much I appreciate everyone that follows this blog. I feel so lucky that this blog seems to have evaded the internet 'trolls' that bring other bloggers down *TOUCH WOOD*. I don't think I've ever received a mean comment, which surprises me, as I'm a fairly curvy 10/12, making me quite the easy target for the heartless anons out there. I feel really lucky to have such a loyal and friendly community and I'm going to dedicate as much of 2011 as possible to making this blog an even more thrilling read for you all! ;)
2010 has been difficult for me, with various university and money drama preventing me from blogging to my full potential, but I have made some blog resolutions for this year which will hopefully get the blog back on track. Obviously, I have dissertation and a final major project to do before May, so my progress may be slow, but bear with me!
Blog Resolutions...
♥ The return of Tuesday Tips
I have been jotting down ideas for future tips during the TT hiatus, and am hoping to pick it up again after my dissertation hand in (end of Jan!)
♥ Comment back regularly
I really hate that I've become one of those bloggers that's 'too busy' to reply to all of my comments. I get so easily distracted when visiting all of your blogs after reading your comments, that I will often only reply to 4 or 5 blogs in a night! I have considered installing one of those comment systems like Disqus as it looks so easy to reply to comments on there, but I am not sure... I try to reply in the comment thread too but I don't think anyone checks back... Do any of you have a system for replying to comments that helps you not get ridiculously distracted? I refuse to be a skim-reader commenter: 'Luv yr dress, comment bk xxxx www.gemfatale.co.uk www.gemfatale.co.uk www.gemfatale.co.uk '.
♥ MAYBE alter the layout?
I quite like that the blog's layout is as basic as can be. I don't want the blog to look 'professional' as I don't really want the blog to become my profession... But I might add a nice header or something... And an 'about' section etc... Any other ideas for layout changes? Would you prefer something a little less no-frills?
♥ Post every other day at the very least
Self explanatory.
♥ Introduce more features
I like the idea of a bit of blog structure. I've talked to you all about a feature I'm planning to start called 'The Naughty Step' where I call out the products I've bought that don't do what they say on the tin, etc. Any other ideas for features? Maybe a regular nail tutorial post?
♥ More outfit photos
One of my IRL resolutions is to lose a bit of weight because I feel that my limitless calorie intake really affects my clothing choices. I can't wear ANYTHING that clings to my middle and as a result I constantly feel a bit frumpy. This blog is supposed to be about style, so I'm going to regain some body confidence and experiment with my style a bit more.
So, thanks for reading this blog, I hope you'll be sticking around for 2011!
Have you got any resolutions for your own blogs? I want to add more to my list!